Love Letter To Women This August


wkend page Nina F. Nwulu

My dear Women out there. How are you all? Just felt like interacting with you through this medium about your activities this August. I usually find great delight in discussing issues concerning women more especially when it concerns the help you have always rendered at home and for the communities development as well. I admire the sterling qualities in you. I appreciate the wisdom that brought about the August meetings you hold at this time of the year.
There is no doubt that through this idea several development projects have taken place in our various communities. Such developments come in various degrees. Yes! It is through your meetings that you have been able to build Town Halls, Bus Stops, Markets, Churches, and even Schools. Through your coming together lock-up shops have been built in several markets. Bravo!!
I appreciate the several lectures that have been delivered by great resource persons who most times are women from your fold. In 2012, I too moved round to some communities in Ohaji/Egbema, Udo Mbaise in Imo State and Umuahia L.G.A in Abia State to deliver lectures and those lectures were quite rewarding as evident in the several phone calls and appreciation visits from my host communities. This year has also seen me visiting some communities to deliver good will messages as well as give talks on community development.
In some of the visits I made, I observed that women are highly committed in whatever they do. Before my arrival in any community, women are usually seated in their great numbers ready for the day’s business. When it comes to making monetary commitments they are ready not minding how meager their income may be. They are ever ready to donate the last penny towards the development of infrastructures in their communities.
Through your numerous lectures, you have always advocated for peace and unity, love to one another-perfect antidotes for peaceful coexistence. And who says that the Almighty God in Heaven will not bless such hearts as yours? Oh! Surely the good God I know will always bless good minds and peace makers. I want to encourage you not to relent in your good works. You may not know the degree of the impact your good deliberations are making in the lives of members of your communities but I make bold to tell you that surely you are touching lives, the positive impact you are making, will not be forgotten so easily by God. When the time of recompense comes, I assure you that the judge of all will greatly reward you with good packages of his blessings.
Some of you I am sure have travelled down to your villages for the August meetings. Some are also preparing to travel. Because you are preparing to travel, here are some of the things you must do to ensure that your home is intact while you are absent. You must ensure that you have enough food for your household. Do not use the feeding money provided by Mr. Chairman to buy gold and finest rappers and other wears just because you want to show off. Remember that while it is so nice to look good, you must not do that at the expense or the comfort of your loved ones. The comfort of your children and husband is very paramount and your upper most priority. So you must ensure that you give them such before you travel.
Also do not leave the care of your children to just anybody. Since the children are on holidays, if it is possible, you can travel with them more, especially if they are still very tender. The maid in the house may not be the best option to take care of them except if the person is grown up and reasonable too.
Consequent upon what could transpire between the maid and Mr. Chairman, you need to be careful before you take the decision of leaving her behind while you are away. Yes, it is a well known fact that some chairmen have problems with their third legs and when the leg sets to work, it has no garage. To some their third legs hate being caged for as little as the one or two weeks you will spend in the village. Like a rattled snake when it stirs up, it can plunge into any hole. To such chairmen, a hole is a hole not minding whose. May God deliver such chairmen in who fornication and adultery rule. May God open their eyes to see what great calamity there will be if they do not make haste to repent from such evil practices. And so my deer wife, you know the kind of chairman you have at home and the best way to package him before you travel. If your chairman has a rascally third leg, please travel to the village with your maid and children, he can always take care of himself with a pot of soup and stew at home. If you do not take care of him well, you may come back and meet the M2 taking the status of a co-wife. May God deliver us from such calamity. Promiscuity is bad in every sense but it is terrible when it is done within the household! So my deer wife tread with caution.
Another area that I need to address through this piece is the activities of our youths during this period as it concerns the proceeds from the women’s contributions as a result of the money realized during launchings. It has been observed that some communities have suffered untold hardships from these hoodlums called the youths of the communities. The lives of Rev. Fathers and other community religious leaders have been threatened because the youths feel that these religious leaders are in custody of the money realized from the August meetings. After our women have tasked themselves heavily to raise money to engage in one developmental project or another, they pay unholy nocturnal visits to these women and religious leaders armed with pistols, machetes and other dangerous weapons demanding that the money so realized should be handed to them or lives would be lost. I heard the story of how two Rev. father’s in their different parishes were attacked by hoodlums at night, requesting that the money the women realized in their launching, during the August meeting should be handed over to them. The sad thing is that most times these evil men have succeeded in their bid. In such sad news, I have asked myself what kind of youths the society breeds these days? How can these evil men have the mind to steal the money which women including indigent ones and octogenarians have contributed to assist in the developmental projects? It is wise to realize that most of these old women though they do make their own contributions may not live too long to enjoy the benefits of their benevolent spirits. Whatever development that comes through the sacrifice rendered will have the youths enjoy it since age is more on their side. So why go to steal the widows mite or the meager resources of the aged? Do you know the kind of curse you are bringing upon yourself and your family?
Again, how dare you venture into God’s house to demand for a penny that is not yours? How dare you disturb the peace of a Rev. father? Don’t you know that God said “Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm”? I know that some people have no business reading the .bible but at least you have read it from this piece today and this word must stand to judge you in due season. I charge you to desist from your wicked ways or you will face the consequences sooner than later! Take it from me.
Finally, my deer good mothers, do not relent in your good deeds. The God that brought the wisdom of August meetings will make it to thrive. The dividends’ of your positive decisions during the August meetings are being felt by every community. The broken homes you have mended, the reconciliations of warring groups which your gatherings have achieved will not be forgotten in a hurry. Also all the developmental projects which have been achieved through your deliberations will always bear witnesses to your virtuous roles
May the good Lord grant you wisdom and strength to pull through this year’s August meeting. As you return back to your base, may the Almighty God grant you mercy in Jesus Name Amen!