Poly Ezumoha: Ban Of Cows In Igboland, Premature Decision, Counter Productive


By Onyekachi Eze

One of the political leaders from Imo State, and the Leader of Doable Team for 2023 polls, Chief Poly-Samez Ezumoha has condemned the recently ban of Northern cows at public functions in South East part of the Country.

The arrangement, according to Poly-Samez was thoughtless, senseless and counter productive.

He stated that whatever aim the propounders of such decree has in mind was born prematurely, adding that it would enhance ethnic indifference and more rancour.

In a media release obtained from Chief Ezumoha, banning of Northern cows at burials and other ceremonies in Igboland, and replacing it with only Igbo cows (Efi Igbo) couldn’t have come now, without a better alternative.

“What one would have expected to read at this point in time, if at all it will happen, is to put the region on one year or two years notice during which processes are put in motion and concrete plans hatched and developed to feed the region with home grown cattle or the alternative”.

“Any attempt to deprive the already impoverished society their protein intakes without making alternative available is unacceptable to the people”.

Therefore, he disclosed that the unplanned ban in the region may backfire if precaution is not taken.

Ezumoha recalled that similar was a mistake made by the Northern food suppliers, which didn’t go down well with them at last.

Leader of the Doable Team retorted, “In one of my articles, I warned that the food supply blockage may portend severe consequences to both the Northern farmers value chain and the Southern Consumers. It happened exactly the same that the colossal damage, leading to huge loses in revenue by the Northern food chain can’t be recovered in many years to come”.

“The Northern supply blockage mercenaries underestimated the negative impacts of their thoughtless actions and thereby shot themselves deep in the foot”.

However, Chief Ezumoha advised Ndiigbo, and by extension, the Southerners to desist from any drive or agenda that would breed severe anarchy or retaliation in due time.