Oriental Women Derby: First Mahi Babes Engages Green Foot SC In Friendly


 ..As Coach Nwokedike Expresses Faith In Her Girls


NWFL Nation -Wide League side, First Mahi Babes FC of Abajah, Nwangele LGA will this weekend engages fellow South East side, Groom Foot Sporting Club of Enugu in a friendly tie.

The Oriental Women derby which is slated for Rangers FC training pitch, Enugu by 11am Saturday is the first meeting between the two South East Women Football Association SEWFA, teams.

In a chart with Trumpeta Sports desk, the new Gaffer for “Abajah Babes”, Coach Nwokedike Vivian “Coach Beauty” said the friendly will be an interesting outing as they are looking on to God for the fruit of their hard work in trainings as they also continue to inject new legs into the side that narrowly missed promotion to Championship for a better outing when the league commences this new season.

“We are getting ready for yet another friendly, this time at Enugu against Green Foot and we hope to continue improving the team after the game against Rivers Angels in Port Harcourt.

“My Girls are responding to our programs and I have faith in them that soon we would get to where we want to be.