In his essay, see Nigerian Horn May 21-22, 2012, page 9 Ngozi Akamdiocha evoked a quote from Teddy Roosevelt in discussing the ‘man in the arena’ whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deed, who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows that in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. This quote could be said to succinctiy describe our president, GoodluckJonathan who one can say is making concerted and daring efforts in dealing with the Political, economic and security hydra headed problems bedeviling his administration. President Jonathan can be said to be doing his best in tacking the enigmatic Boko haramproblem and we only hope and pray that his best be good enough.
To my mind, however, the operative words in Akamdiocha’s thesis is checks and balances. His analysis portrays the Federal House of representatives as presently constituted as effective.
The National Assembly is neither an appendage of the Executive arm of Government nor a rubber stamp to approve and pass into law whatever is muted to it. In reality, their major job is to legislate and to check and balance the activities of the executive branch. The legislatures as the peoples’ representatives are also there to protect the generality of the people it represents. This therefore, presupposes that an effective house of Representative as exemplified

by the current composition should be the pride of our President. The house of representative have never done anything to impugn or tarnish the image of the government but rather it does a good investigative job in matters referred to the chamber. It has done so with integrity and without rancour, not even their usual free for all fights.

Remember the Hon. Felicia Etes’ Saga.

The current House is disciplined and focused, and we have the leadership sagacity of RT. Hon. Amina Tamburva and RT. Hon. EmekaIhedioha to thank for it.

It is therefore uncharitable to suggest that President Goodluck Jonathan will have his mind set to undermine the duo of Tambuwan andIhedioha.

Again, Akandiocha’s euphemistic reference to President Jonathan ‘large heart is rather unfair, hear him “President Jonathan is blessed with a large heart, so he has the capacity to accommodate a lot of things. That is, he is not likely to forget things easily. How PresidentGoodluck Jonathan will remember Deputy Speaker Emeka Ihedioha come, 2015 will make or mar the deputy speaker’s ambition as no person is known to have picked PDP Guber ticket without the express endorsement of Mr. President”.

Akamdiocha in the above assertion forgot that President Jonathan understands the functions of the legislative arm •of Government. President Jonathan is highly educated, enlightened and ebullient and therefore appreciates call to duty. President Jonathan is neither petty nor vindictive and appreciates good materials when he sees one. RT. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha’s headache will never be president

Jonathan rather the President will be an asset to him. What Ihedioha should concentrate on is his highly acclaimed superlative performance in the house, his trail blazing upliftment of his constituency, Ngor Okpala/Aboh-Mbaise Federal Constituency and his accommodating gesture to Imolites whenever and wherever he meets them. RT. Hon. Amimu Tanbuwa and RT. Hon. Emeka Ihediohamust be encouraged to better themselves and their people will surely support them whenever they desire to serve us at a different plain.

Ngozi Akamdiocha was also wrong in believing that Eze Duruhioma (San) will work against PDP’S interest because he is from IdeatoSouth. Check the history of Imo State politics. When was the last time a PDP Chairman supported his kinsman from another party to betray his own party. Pray Akamdiohca, do you believe Duruihioma is that fickle minded.

As RT. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha labours to protect our collective interests in Abujah, the least he deserves is unnecessary distractions from those at home.



Chief MC. Ugoji