Outcry Over Killings In Orlu


Outcry Over Killings In Orlu

There has been alleged systematic killings going on in Orlu by alleged security operatives in the state.

This outcry by former UPP Senatorial candidate for Orlu zone, Comr. Precious Nwadike was stated in a press release narrating how security operatives were alleged to be killing unarmed people of the area.

He informed of the murder of one Mr. Uwadi Ebuzoeme who was shot dead in his shop at the market in Umuna, Orlu, adding that, their ehave also been reported deaths of similar occurrence in the area.

According to Comr. Nwadike, he stressed that the wanton killings in the area could be in retaliation of the senseless killing of uniform personnel on duty at Nwaorieubi, Mbaitoli as he called on the government and elected officers to lend their voices in defence of the people.

Part of the release reads, ” We condemn the attack on our security personnel and burning of police stations and government property, I plead with those involved to stop the killing, it does nobody any good.”

“The attackers or hoodlums should be seen as enemies of the people and the citizens must rise to help protect public property across the state.We must not also allow innocent Nigerians become victims of their actions.As I understand, majority of those killed were on essential service of which the directive allows them to operate even during the imposed curfew”.

“It is rather unfortunate that #Endsars Protest which started as peaceful protest was infiltrated by thugs allegedly hired by those in authority to derail a genuine struggle for a better Nigeria.However, I use the opportunity to call on the youths to sheath their sword.Their generation has sent a strong message.”

“Never again will they be described as lazy youths.Suffice it to state that the lazy people are those who do nothing but loot public fund at the expense of the rest of us. I expect the leaders to begin the process of addressing the perennial imbalance and bad governance occasioned by greed.”
[06:38, 29/11/2020] Tochi Trumpeta: How A DPO Kind Gesture Earned Her Community Protection

In the light of the peaceful protests across the country, which took a dramatic turn last week, leading to chaos, looting, mayhem and destruction of lives and properties including government parastatals with some police stations set ablaze by the angry mob, some police officers have been given an exception.

Recall that last week, following the killing of peaceful protesters at the Lekki toll gate Lagos state, angry mob took the streets destroying anything on sight and looting same.

Among offices destroyed were police stations and police officers were killed in the process in gory pictures plastered all over the internet.

But notwistanding, some officers have been praised for staying true to their causes and maintaining high professional standard in the discharge of their duties. These same officers were protected by rampaging youths and stations spared.

Notable among them was DPO at Fegge, Onitsha CSP Rabiu Garba whose sterling qualities won the heart of people of the area. To the point that, when rampaging youths marched to destroy his division amidst scared officers, he stood out, addressed them and calmed frayed nerves.

In Imo, the DPO of the Umuguma division in Owerri west LGA, of Imo state, CSP Banimiboofori West was
hailed for her high professionalism, honesty, compassion and integrity in the style of her policing.

This was spotted by an Owerri based legal practitioner and State legal adviser of the Peoples Democratic Party in Imo state, Kissinger Ikeokwu on his Facebook page.

He stated that residents of the area had rallied round to repel some miscreants who attempted to set the Umuguma police division ablaze in the heat of the #Endsars protests across the country.

Another commenter, PrinceJoseph Nwosu-Okorie has this to say; “The woman is super professional. Her humanity is topnotch…” while Obi-Declan Kingsley described her as an angel in police uniform.

However, Don Onwukaike said that the youths of Umuguma who prevented the hoodlums from setting the police precinct ablaze could be simply in order to protect their community from external invasion and not necessarily as an endorsement for the police. He observed that while the DPO has exhibited excellent policing strategies within her stay in the Division, there are some corrupt police officers who have overstayed their usefulness in the Division.

Irrespective of divergent views which followed subsequently, if she was adjudged to be a bad cop, probably no member of the community, would have to come to her rescue.

Nigeria: Killing of #EndSARS protesters by the military must be investigated

…..At least 12 people killed at Alausa and Lekki Toll Gate Lagos, Hundreds severely injured
…..CCTV dismantled to cover murder

An on-the-ground investigation by Amnesty International has confirmed that the Nigerian army and police killed at least 12 peaceful protesters yesterday at two locations in Lagos. The killings took place in Lekki and Alausa, where thousands were protesting police brutality as part of the #EndSars movement.

Evidence gathered from eyewitnesses, video footage and hospital reports confirm that between 6:45pm and 9:00pm on Tuesday 20 October, the Nigerian military opened fire on thousands of people who were peacefully calling for good governance and an end to police brutality.

Witnesses at the Lekki protest grounds told Amnesty international that solders arrived at about 6:45pm local time on Tuesday evening, and opened fire on #EndSars protesters without warning. Eyewitnesses at Alausa protest ground said they were attacked by a team of soldiers and policemen from the Rapid Response Squad (RRS) Unit at about 8:00 pm, leaving at least two people dead and one critically injured.

Opening fire on peaceful protesters is a blatant violation of people’s rights to life, dignity, freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Soldiers clearly had one intention – to kill without consequences.
Osai Ojigho, Country Director of Amnesty International Nigeria.

Amnesty International received reports that shortly before the shootings, CCTV cameras at the Lekki toll gate, where #EndSARS protesters had been camped for two weeks, were removed by government officials and the electricity was cut – a clear attempt to hide evidence. As in previous cases documented by Amnesty International, some of those killed and injured at both grounds were allegedly taken away by the military.

These shootings clearly amount to extrajudicial executions. There must be an immediate investigation and suspected perpetrators must be held accountable through fair trials. Authorities must ensure access to justice and effective remedies for the victims and their families.

Amnesty International has been monitoring developments across Nigeria since the #EndSars protest began on 8 October 2020. At least 56 people have died across the country since the protest began, with about 38 killed on Tuesday alone. Victims include protesters and thugs who were allegedly hired by the authorities to confront the protesters. In many cases the security forces had used excessive force in an attempt to control or stop the protests.


• Says Enough is Enough

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni has ordered the immediate mobilization of all police operational assets and resources to bring an end to the wanton violence, killings, looting and destruction of public and private property, and reclaim the public space from criminal elements masquerading as protesters in some parts of the country. The IGP gave the order to all Assistant Inspectors General of Police (AIGs), Commissioners of Police (CPs), Heads of Police Operational Units, Squadron and Base Commanders in charge of Zonal/State/FCT Commands, the Police Mobile Force, Counter Terrorism Unit and the Special Protection Unit, today 24th October, 2020. In addition, CPs/Heads of Police Formations in the various states have also been charged to mobilize their men and work in sync with the Command CPs in the areas where they are domiciled, to dominate the public space and ensure peace and safety in the affected areas.

The IGP, while noting that enough is enough to all acts of lawlessness, disruption of public peace and order and wanton violence which have resulted to indiscriminate looting of shops, malls and ware houses, damage to property and loss of lives in some parts of the country, further directs the Police strategic managers to personally lead and coordinate the operation and use all legitimate means, to halt further slide into lawlessness and brigandage.

The IGP enjoins law-abiding citizens not to panic but rather join forces with the police and other members of the law enforcement community to protect their communities from the criminal elements.

He further calls for the understanding and cooperation of the citizens assuring that the action is geared towards ensuring public order and safety and public security in our communities.

The IGP however warns trouble-makers not to test the collective will of the nation by coming out to cause any further breakdown of law and order
[06:54, 29/11/2020] Tochi Trumpeta: Insecurity Situation In Imo Heightens

With the burning down of about four police stations in various divisions in the state and alleged carting away of ammunition in the armoury, the insecurity situation in the state has heightened.

Last week’s unrest saw no fewer than four police stations, Ubomiri, Orji and Anara police divisions razed down by hoodlums who took advantage of the crisis.

Security situation in the state is said to be hold as various police check points have been deserted and some officers afraid to resume duty.

This is relatively not a good time for insecurity in the state, especially as members of the state who reside outside Imo will be embarking on travel ahead of the yuletide season.