Alcohol and alcoholism 3


Alcohol is the name of a type of chemical of which the most common is ethanol or ethyl alcohol- the one obtained by the fermentastion of sugar and enjoyed by man in beverages. Alcoholic drinks are taken not only for the pleasant taste but because alcohol is a drug, albeit a socially acceptable one in most cultures. It is not a stimulant drug, as many people imagine but a selective depressant of the central nervous system. The effect of a small dose of the alcohol is to depress the inhibitory or controlling centres of the brain providing relaxation and the general loss of inhibitions. Larger quantities induce sedation and impair speech and muscular coordination. Very large quantities cause severe depression of the vital centres of the central nervous system and may be fatal.
Outside the central nervous system the physiologic effects of alcohol are less drastic. Small quantities increase the flow of gastric juice (thereby stimulating the appetite) larger amounts irritate the stomach lining causing gastritis and even vomiting of blood. Alcohol also increases the flow of urine. Unfortunately chronic ingestion of fairly large quantities of alcohol can have highly damaging effects on the body tissues particularly those of the liver. Cirrhosis a serious hardening and degeneration of the liver tissues’ kills many heavy drinkers. Cancer is especially likely to develop in a cirrhotic liver. Alcohol taken in excess over a long period may also cause a degeneration of the heart muscles (cardiomyopathy) and serious impairment of the brain function. Alcoholic psychoses is one of the most common reasons for psychiatric hospitalization.
Alcoholism is a state of addiction to alcohol. Those who suffer from it are likely to develop the severe physical consequences of alcohol abuse outlined above. Alcohol is not as addictive as heroine, morphine or nicotine but research indicates that most humans and mammals generally can be habituated to it by prolonged constant exposure. If a person drinks enough alcohol on a regular basis there is a strong possibility that his body will become dependant upon it. Larger and larger doses may be required as time goes by to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay. Although unhappiness and deprivation play a part in driving a man or woman to excessive drinking it is quite untrue that only depraved and worthless people become alcoholics. Many prominent people have been known to suffer from alcoholism. This helps many people to realize that alcoholism is an illness not a vice.
One in 25 deaths world wide is directly linked to alcohol consumption. Most disabling disease especially in elderly men are attributed to alcohol but its greatest burden lies with younger people. Most of the deaths caused by alcohol are through injuries, cancers, cardiovascular diseases and liver cirrhosis.
The burden of alcohol nearly equals that of smoking especially in the most populous countries in developing economies like India and China.
These Effects Of Alcoholism Results In The Following Diseases
.Dementia (loss of memory) .Liver cirrhosis(hardening of the liver) .Primary liver cell carcinoma .Chronic hepatitis .Polyneririties .Higher risk of developing prostatic cancer .Benign tremors aggravation .Malabsorption due to pancreatic and small bowel damage .Peptic ulcer .Deficiencies of the B vitamins and Thiamine thus aggravating diseases that depend on these vitamins by causing alcoholic neuropathy. Mental and moral debility .Unatural appetite and highly irritable individuals. .Alcoholic dependers.
The consequences of alcoholic abuse include spouse abuse, child abuse, neglect, suicide and industrial accidents and road traffic accidents. Decreaseds ability to think absolutely and to makebest moral decisions.
How Alcohol Affects The Body
It depletes the minerals and vitamins and other immune boosting substances in the body thus suppressing the immune system and predisposing the victim to chronic depilating diseases including cancers.
Its destructive effects on the liver and kidney cannot be quantified.
It produces free radicals, which attack and damage sensitive tissue causing many diseases in the body. It produces brain dehydration which present as hangover and headache. It causes a never look well on its victims.
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to accumulation of the reduced form of nicotamide thus reducing the energy that should have been released.
It alters the communication in the brain cells.
Some of the alcoholics beverages include Beer (3-8%) Wine (10-20%) Whisky (50%) Brandy (56-60%) Rum (40%) and Gin (40%). Alcoholism is commonly associated with chronic smoking thus causing artificial increase in dependence. These two substances of abuse have synergic effects creating more harm than their individual effects. Addiction to alcohol and other drugs causes serious vitamins, mineral, protein and enzyme deficiencies many of which are irreversible.
Healing words
For since a church leader is in charge of Gods work, he should be blameless. He must not be arrogant or quick tempered or a drunkard (not given to wine) or violent, or greedy for money. Titus 1: 7
Not only a church leader, everyone of us for whom Christ died must not be given to wine nor be a drunkard. We need to be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit of God and not by wine for wine is a mocker. It will disgrace you destroy your health and eventually destroy your life. So receive Jesus Christ as your savior today, be filled with the Holy Spirit and be delivered from the power and control of alcohol.