Much Ado About Douglas House 2019


Douglas House

Even though 2019 is still two years from here, politicians across the country have started with their scheming even as no political party has done their congresses nor primaries.

And the result of this early signal to join the race and clandestine moves is heating up the system and drawing battle lines among follow aspirants and even the various political parties and their followership.

This invariably not what Imolites require at this trying times in our chequered political history. Just like there are many sides of every coin, cross sections of the masses are really disenchanted with the goings on in the state.

And unfortunately, it has been from one woe to the other as successive administrations held unto power in the state. But one good lesson which Imo people and history has taught the people is the obvious fact that desperados have never won Imo Governorship election in the state.

Going down memory lane, in 1999 Governor Achike Udenwa emerged from nowhere to be the Governor of the state against the heavy weights in the state as it were who clustered in an opposite political party then.

After his eight year tenure, Chief Ikedi Ohakim again emerged from nowhere as the Governor of the state even when again the heavy weights, godfathers and city fathers were in opposite political party.

Thereafter, Governor Rochas Okorocha again in the same manner emerged as the Governor of the state where he will be out serving his eight year tenure in 2019.

Needless repeating how and the circumstances that played each of them up because it is an open secret. But however, one thing which is important of note is the fact that at each point in time people have emerged as Imo Governors when it is least expected.

That is the dynamics of Imo politics for those who would want to learn from history. And if that has remained the history of Imo Governorship history, who said that 2019 will not go the same way.

We are of the view that in each of those experiments, Imo people jettisoned political party to go for individuals based on the prevailing circumstances. That is why we caution on the need for our politicians and aspirants in particular to thread with caution.

Jumping the gone by declaring ones intention to run for one office or the other in 2017 ahead of 2019 is rather pre-empting the future. While majority of today politicians may not leave to see 2019, there are many others whose ambitions will stop at the primaries of their political parties.

So, the dynamism of politics and the need to allow nature play out may be helpful and needful for political aspirants. Foresightedness at this time in our democratic experiment is indeed what is required at this juncture as we prepare for 2019.