By G. C. Emma
There is a popular philosophical saying that blessing is the hand that gives than the hand that receives. This popular saying defines the word, philanthropy. What is philanthropy? According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, philanthropy is kindness and good deeds inspired by concern for people’s welfare.
In the words of Martin Luther King Jn ” Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?”
Hon. Ekene Ohanele also known as Udor Na Avuvu has become a house hold name in Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State, following his antecedents and track records bothering on humanitarian services and philanthropic gestures which have endeared him to the hearts of many who may have come in contact with him.
Ikeduru which is a local government in Imo State has continued to evolve over the years through the solid foundation laid by its founding fathers and today sustained by illustrious sons and daughters scattered all over the world doing well in their different field of endeavours.
Building Ikeduru which is a collective dream of every indigene is one that calls for concerted effort by every well meaning sons and daughters of Ikeduru.
Kudos must be given to notable sons and daughters of Ikeduru both living and dead who have made indelible mark towards the development and advancement of Ikeduru, economically, politically, socially and otherwise.
As one of the patriotic sons of Avuvu and Ikeduru whose drive is to improve the well being of his people, Hon. Ekene Ohanele also known as Udor Na Avuvu has continued to demonstrate his passion and commitment towards the socio-economic growth of his father land.
The man of the moment, Hon. Ekene Ohanele is a native of Avuvu in Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State. A philanthropist and the Chief Executive Officer of Nelskie Consult Ltd who is using his hard-earned resources to uplift others.

Hon. Ekene Ohanele to a large extent is among one of the patriotic sons of Ikeduru whose yawnings and aspiration on daily basis is to see Avuvu and entire Ikeduru in all facets of life more than it is today. As a selfless leader,he constantly thinks about the common good of all especially for his people to see how life could be a lot better than what it was. Ohanele has taken good steps in promoting the well-being of his people.
His philanthropy has necessitated him to champion several empowerment programmes: scholarships, skill acquisition training, community development programmes, football competitions, installation of street light, sending the youths abroad, houses for the widows and poor, cash donation to church buildings, and many more philanthropic gestures especially towards the indigent and less privileged in the society which has endeared him to the heart of many.
Udor Na Avuvu who also doubles as the president and founder of Udor Na Avuvu Humanitarian Foundation which is a non-profit organization has through his philanthropic gestures and benevolence touched so many lives in Avuvu and Ikeduru at large.
Udor Na Avuvu Humanitarian Foundation whose mission is all about ‘Enriching Lives’ has since its establishment, enriched so many lives of both great and small and today the name of the Foundation has become a house hold name in the entire Avuvu land and society at large owing to its numerous achievements and impact in people’s lives.
There is an Igbo adage which says,” Anyi ma nwa anyi na aga na mba rifo nri” could be used in describing the man, Udor Na Avuvu. He alwsys thinks home first and worries on how he could alleviate the sufferings of his people especially those in difficulty. He is always desirous to restore the dignity of an Ikeduru man in all spheres.
In John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address where he admonishes Americans :” Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. ” This simply exemplifies the life of the Avuvu born business tycoon who has decided to give to the society through his philanthropic gestures and people oriented humanitarian services.
Following his numerous achievements towards the development of Ikeduru, many organizations have honoured him with different awards of excellence for his outstanding contributions to the growth of his father land.
There is need for every well to do individual in Ikeduru to emulate Udor Na Avuvu ‘s patriotism who by all standards, may not be the richest person in Ikeduru but has demonstrated his uncommon love and passion for the development of Ikeduru.
The reward for good work is said to be more work, it is expected that Hon. Ekene Ohanele will use his rich contact and connections to galvanize all Ikeduru sons and daughters both home and abroad to come together to pursue one common goal which is to develop Ikeduru the more.