House of Assembly Election: Don’t Impose Candidate On Njaba People ..Elders council Warns



The people of Njaba Local Government Area of Imo State have vehemently, condemned alleged moves by some top politicians in the state to handpick and impose a candidate for the , House of Assembly election on Njaba electorate.

Voicing their rejection and anger specifically, over the alleged imposition of Hon. Mrs. Uju Onwudiwe (serving member) from Njaba North political bloc as APC candidate for the forthcoming Imo State House of Assembly election on the people of Njaba state constituency by some persons in positions of authority, the people who spoke through the platform of Njaba Elders and Leaders of Thought Council, an umbrella body of concerned and non-partisan indigenes, insisted that all political parties fielding candidates for elections in the area should adhere strictly to democratic principles and Njaba people’s charter of equity and fairness.

According to the elder’s council, Njaba people are lovers of justice and equity and for this reason, believe strongly in rotation of political offices among the various clans and political blocs in the area.

The Council bluntly , observed that any person or group of persons usurping or grabbing power by fraudulent means hardly receives the blessings of people and the gods of the land, adding that it is through free and fair election that the people of Njaba determine who leads them.

The highly respected council of elders which made the people’s position known to news men in Owerri through Hon. Ralph Nnaji, John Uneze, Chief Livmus Duru and other leaders of the council stressed that any person in authority who meant well for Njaba state constituency should allow the people to decide those to represent them at both the state House of Assembly and local government council.

The aggrieved Njaba stakeholders who shouted on top of their voices as they spoke to news men noted that Njaba state constituency is not an article of trade that could be used to settle political allies and friends of those in power.

“What we are asking for is for the people’s will and decision to prevail. This is the only way to ensure enduring peace, harmonious co-existence and meaningful development in Njaba local government area. It is an abomination for non indigenes of Njaba to come and destroy our age-long love and unity in the interest of one or two persons in our midst. The gods will never be happy with such political mercenaries, our people and generations to come will never forgive those attempting to destroy Njaba people’s bond of unity”.

Concluding, the elders council warned that the various political parties, particularly, the All Progressives Congress (APC) should not ignore the people’s desire to have the state House of Assembly seat rotated between the two political blocs (Njaba North and South) in the area, come 2019 elections.