Imo: Between Uzodinma, Okorocha And The “Roforofo” Fight


Imo State has been sitting on a keg of Gun Powder ever since January 14, 2020 the Supreme Court of Nigeria upturned the Governorship election of 2019, won by Rt Hon Emeka Ihedioha of PDP, but was later handed over to Senator Hope Uzodinma of APC.

After that declaration by the Apex Court, Owerri, the Imo State capital witnessed various tumultuous protests and demonstrations which lasted for months, in challenge to the

Supreme Court verdict.

However, peace returned to Imo State after the Supreme Court vehemently said that it cannot over rule itself no matter what the world says about the judgment.

Therefore PDP and its candidate and former Governor, Rt Hon Emeka Ihedioha reined in their teeming  followers, and urged them to move on with life, because tomorrow is “Another Day”.

“Another Day”.

But the aftermath of the Governorship issue has refused to go, leaving Imo State in a state of peace of the grave yard.

It has become clear since last year that there are forces fighting for Imo’s jugular, who had previously hidden behind the earlier Ihedioha/Uzodinma imbroglio. But as time went on, the pretentious forces had no alternative than to come out in the open and confront the sitting Deities of the present Imo Government.

Today, Imo is roiling in endless crisis, which grow in height with every passing day. And this week climaxed with the open confrontation between the Gov Uzodinma and Okorocha’s Forces.

Keen political observers could read that since last year, former Governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha has not been a happy man. For the first time in his political expedition, Okorocha feels used and dumped. He is not contempted with his Senatorial Seat as a succour.

The reason is not far-fetched. When Ihedioha took over the Governance of Imo State, Okorocha felt that Ihedioha would be his nemesis.

He joined hands with Senator Hope Uzodinma, Ifeanyi Araraume and his son inlaw, Chief Uche Nwosu to spearhead the removal of Ihedioha from Owerri after seven months in Government House.

Nothing could define that more than the fact that all these men rode in the same Aircraft from Abuja to Imo State, and were present as Uzodinma was sworn in at Heroes Square on January 15, 2020.

Ihedioha as a man of legality, had pursued for the recovery of Imo patronimoy creamed away by Okorocha through the most civilized and Lawful manner. Even when the Chairman of the Tax Force, Hon Jasper Ndubuaku was assaulted by Okorocha’s goons, Ihedioha remained calm and controlled.

But Okorocha too scared of losing his loots prefared an Uzodinma Governorship, hence the “Coup” that removed Ihedioha.

Now, the Chicken has come home to roost. Today, Okorocha is between the Devil and the deep blue sea. The centre can no longer hold. His former man Friday, Governor Uzodinma has barred his fangs, and he is out to not only derobe Okorocha, but retire him politically.  It would be to the best interest of Uzodinma that Okorocha is politically demolished, because they are both from Orlu Zone, and Okorocha’s meddlesomeness will affect Uzodinma’s grip on Orlu Zone. And Okorocha inadvertently played into the enemy’s hand. The battle just begun.

But I have no sympathy for Okorocha, because he who spills sugar on his Bed must expect ants.

Whatever that was the agreement entered with Uzodinma that led to the gang up against Ihedioha has been shattered. So, this situation makes Okorocha angry and feel used and dumped. He has been outsmarted and abandoned. And he is full of unimaginable anger.

Unfortunately, the former Governor has no patient to endure the cold treatment Uzodinma has been extending to him and his followers. He even forgot that he has left office, with an incumbent on the seat now.

The same treatment Uzodinma dished out to Okorocha, he meted to Araraume, whom Uzodinma brought out little known Frank Ibezim to challenge in an Okigwe Senate election, Araraume’s terrotery which ought to have been for Araraume to pick easily.

Frank Ibezim to challenge in an Okigwe Senate election, Araraume’s terrotery which ought to have been for Araraume to pick easily.

But Araraume is a more tactical politician than Okorocha who thinks that every matter must be won through “gragra”. Having read the situation, Araraume has tactically withdrawn to his Den, waiting for the right time to pounce for his pound of flesh. But not Okorocha who craves for the Klieg light at all times. And while Araraume is taciturn Okorocha is Loquacious.

The best advise for every politician is the Evergreen Song of the Legend, Bob Marley.

“He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day”

But Okorocha does not believe in such dictum. With the Palm Beach war scenario where Okorocha brazenly went to unlock a Gate sealed by Imo Government, it confirmed that most of our Leaders do not know what they did while on the Exhalted positions.

For Okorocha to be swaggering around  Imo State means that the man was not aware of the pains he inflicted on some people while in office.

Since the history of Imo State, including the military rule, no Governor became a problem to Imo citizens like Okorocha. Infact, Okorocha became the problem, instead of the problem solver, for the Eight years he reigned as an Emperor.

Okorocha was the only Governor who could encroach into Imo Government House Permanent Site, partition it as he wished, and no whimper would be heard.

Okorocha physically led the demolition of Ekeonunwa market, against Court injunction, and the Traders never believed it would happen.

Okorocha demolished Family Support Program FSP Park at Wethral Road that had a Gym, Restaurants, Halls, Children’s Play Ground, beautiful trees and flowers with over one thousand workers, and replaced the structures with Four White Halls that have remained empty and fallow till this morning.

The same former Governor mauled down two multibillionaire shopping Malls at Old and New stadia Owerri, sending over Six thousand Imolites to excruciating poverty.

Why he chose to demolish those gigantic Malls

constructed by Owerri Municipal Council, still remains a mystery.

He knocked down one of the first shopping Malls at Ikenegbu built by Hon Max Ikeoku at Mbairi. Till date, the man is yet to recover from that shock and injustice. I know of one Elderly man who died just months after that demolition. Till today that space remains empty.

Okorocha’s administration was the only administration that could chose to close Wethral/Okigwe/Bank Roads/Government House Round about for a whole day, causing traffic gridlock, sending the masses wondering what was amiss.

At a point, Okorocha was Imo and Imo State was Okorocha. Under his bizarre administration, nobody came out any day to challenge any of his contraptions. You dare not, because the man was looking for whom to set example with. And Imo people knew that and left him alone with his day dreams.

He single handedly introduced Four Term System of Government in the State called Community Development Government, CDG without due process of law.

When his overzealousness could no longer be handled, Imo people quietly ignored him but waited for him when he would need them, which culminated in making sure he was denied producing his successor.

Since then, Okorocha who courts power like a maiden, is yet to realize that he has left Government House.

When Ihedioha was in office, Okorocha arrived Imo State one day and arrogantly  addressed his supporters, and headed to his Radio Station where he abused and lampooned a sitting Governor, Hon Emeka Ihedioha.

Who dare try that during Okorocha’s administration? Was it not Okorocha who told Imo people that his successor will not be more than fifty years of age? In this case, he assumed the position of his political party that would produce the candidate and even usurped the power of Imo electorate who should decide their Governor. I had warned Okorocha years ago that power is transient and should think of the days he will no more be in Government House.

I am putting the same word across to the sitting Governor, Senator Hope Uzodinma.

While he is being egged on to “finish” Okorocha, he should also realize that a day would come when he will be at the mercy of another fellow wielding the Political Power.

The unfortunate truth is that Imo and its citizens have suffered in the midst of the fight by Big men from same political party. Imo electorate had hoped that it would have been  to take the State away from brigandage and mayhem. But the masses were short-changed by Judiciary.

With Imo riddled with crisis since 2020, when shall it be Uhuru? Okigwe Zone is on standstill due to unfinished Senatorial election, Orlu Zone is occupied by Soldiers invited by the Governor, and Owerri, the State Capital is under siege as Uzodinma and Okorocha Followers do battle. It has never been this bad for Imo.  Shall we continue to pretend that all is well in the State? Otara amu Evula ji Ibi Ugwo!