Effects of Video Gaming


Video games seem fun when you just got started but you need to be cautious with them as well. Just like one becomes addicted to online casino games you can also become addicted to video games. This generally just means that there are effects of playing video games.

 social life

The more time you spend glued on the monitor or computer willslowly take you away from your normal social life.

Usually, for a teen or the adults who play, video games they will end up not having time for their friends and family because most of their time theyare spending it on video games.

 The real problems that may result from losing social connection are depression and isolation.


Usually when you are not putting too much time into one thing as a human being your functioning is so balanced.

This is not the case when you become so invested in video games. For school going kids, you will notice a decline in grades at school because you are not sparing enough time to study

 As for adults working the same can be said about the way you will perform your duties.


A healthy human being is easy to notice just that when it comes to roulette casino enligne games you might not be able to notice the health problems that they cause.

Usually, the main health issue caused byplaying video games excessively is mental challenges. This is mostly experienced by those who play online if they are continuously losing games.

Most of these online games will involve money issues so if one loses a lot of money anger is an obvious emotion evoked which will become a problem.

Addiction to video games is very possible just like the way one can end up being addicted to gambling and you should seek help earlier.