Herdsmen Terrorize Oguta Community. As Insecurity Heightens


The activities of herdsmen, certainly, is not giving the people of Ejemekwuru any joy.

Few days ago, around, 2.30pm–3pm, retirement Police Officer, Mr Phillip Anyaele Amanuso ran into them and subsequently lost his life.

Mr Amanuso, who had fled his hometown, Ejemekwuru, because of insecurity incidents, was said to have come home for a burial on that fateful day.

He was driving in company of a younger relation but as they approached the isieke forest along Ogbaku/Ejemekwuru/ Izombe road the herdsmen opened fire on them between Njawa farm/ Umuawo branch off.

The deceased used reverse gear for an escape but was unfortunate to hit a tree and hence they abandoned the car which was steaming and dashed into the bush. But the herdsmen gave them a chase shooting sporadically.

After a few distance, reports said the herdsmen collected some valuables from the car and retreated back into their forest enclave.

 When it appeared there was calm, villagers summoned courage to comb the bush but they were deterred by shots from the herdsmen but for the arrival of the military men that gave them some hope.

During the search, late Amanuso was found dead in the pool of his own blood. They had shot him on the chest but the younger fellow was not hurt.

 Some villagers who spoke to Trumpeta on condition of anonymity appealed to the State government to establish a security post at that Njawa/ Umuawo point so as to forestall other occurrences.

 Although there is calm now since last Tuesday, commuters now try to pass that death zone before 3pm.