Has Imo PDP Learnt Any Lesson?



Once beaten, twice shy. If a Dog bites a man, it could be mad. But if same Dog again bites same man and at same spot, then the man could be mad.
Since the current democratic dispensation in 1999, the Peoples Democratic Party PDP has been incharge of the Federal Government and also in Imo, until 2011 Governorship election.
Although the election could be under litigations in various courts in the land, but what is as certain as tomorrow, is that Owelle Rochas Okorocha of the All Progressives Grand Alliance APGA, or All Progressives Congress APC is in power.
Okorocha’s emergence in 2011 disrupted the PDP reign at Douglas House Owerri. A lot of reasons have been proffered by many Groups as the reasons why PDP lost in that Gubernatorial election of 2011. Whatever may have been the reasons, the question now is has the PDP taken time to ascertain what really went wrong, and plans against repeat occurrence in 2015 election?
From all indications, it seems that the Imo PDP is still busy savouring the success it garnered at the National level and those positions it won in the legislative elections in the state.
If we must always stick by the truth, nothing on ground indicates that the Imo PDP has remorse about the enormous failure it suffered in the Guber election, and getting ready to regain the Douglas House it lost in 2011.
If there is any political party in Imo State that needs rejuvenation of psych of its members, it is the PDP. Because, for the first time in the last twelve years, the party is playing opposition politics, which is strange to its teeming supporters.
Its members, rather than be the hitherto givers they used to be, are today at the receiving end, which has seriously affected their status.
And worst still, the Administration that took over from PDP in 2011, is not all-accommading, therefore treats PDP members in the state as pariahs. And this was the mistake the Okorocha Government made to the advantage of PDP hierarchy.
Had Okorocha thrown his doors wide open for the now frustrated teeming members of Imo PDP looking for survival elsewhere, PDP would have been drastically affected in terms of membership.
Therefore, Imo PDP should count itself lucky and immediately move into action before it gets too late as its members will feel taken for granted for too long.
The PDP philosophy of taking things for granted counted most in the debacle of 2011 which cost the party the Governorship position of the state. Necessity is the mother of invention, and staying without power within the last 2 years, and yet surviving, has thought most PDP members in Imo to have a mind of their own.
This assertion would be put to test in few months time when the drum of politicking would have sounded, and PDP will then take stock and know how many of her members had remained still, since the last election.
It is on record that Imo PDP lost four of its members at the Imo House of Assembly to the APGA, immediately the House was inaugurated. It therefore becomes pertinent to ask that if these Lawmakers could dump the party and move to their chosen political ways, what then happens to others in the hinter lands, who are the real owners of the party, because the grassroots make the core electorate who decide which political part wins election. Have PDP thought whether these people are still intact?
During the preparation for the last elections in Imo State, while the PDP was busy every day at Multipurpose Hall singing about “Template” and plotting how to win elections in an Open Hall filled with all manner of characters; other political parties had stolen into the villages to convert the masses to their ideologies.
While PDP members were waiting for money from “Big men and Leaders” to call meetings APGA, ANPP, ACN members were tasking themselves of contributions to hold meetings. This development created a “cult” followership amongst them, even as they took PDP as their major oppressors, and therefore became “Lions” on the day of the election proper.
Let me make bold here to tell PDP that the whole scenario has started again. Other political parties have started regrouping in the villages, while PDP remains in Owerri Town to call the shots. When avoidable scenario repeats its self again, every member will be accusing the other of sabotage.
A lot of PDP members still grumble of how they were treated in the last election. Those who were “over-looked” for others are still complaining. Those who stepped down for others and were promised one thing or the other are still lamenting how they were used and dumped. Those who contested the elections proper, but failed are raising hell, how they have been abandoned by the party to rotten.
Does it therefore mean that Imo PDP has not started mending fences among members who have one grouse or the other against each other?
With the little knowledge I have about politics, I know that after elections, the spoils of office are usual shared first, to those who contested elections and lost, so that they have palliatives to regain self, and then to loyalists of the party.
How many of those who contested election under PDP and failed were compensated with appointments like Board Chairmen or membership? How many of them with cases in courts to regain their mandates under PDP platform have received even moral supports from PDP hierarchy? These little things ginger party members.
Organizations usually have opportunities for even the most weak, so that equity and justice can give room to peace and development.
I want to repeat it here that 2015 will be a different cattle of fish for various reasons, including that the electorate are getting wiser, and alternatives are abound. Imo PDP should not again, take any body or Group for granted, because despite what any person may say, Nigerian democracy is growing gradually, and the electorate are beginning to gain their voices.
Therefore, any party that is able to approach the people with convincible slogan may carry the day. And again, Imo election will be a Herculean task for all parties involved.
While Okorocha, with which ever political party he chooses, would want to remain in office in 2015, the PDP will always do everything within its power to win back the seat it lost in 2011.
From hind sight, Okorocha will not relinquish power at the bark of a Dog, and this is whether he is running or foisting a stooge in 2015. It means that all the combatants must gird their loins. Bravado and intimidation will not win the race this time but thorough planning will.
The problem PDP has since 1999 has remained Owerri zone. And I am speaking from experience. Despite the shenanigans that took place in Orlu Zone in 2011, had PDP swept Owerri zone it would have still been in office at the state level.
We all know that PDP lost the Governorship election in the entire Orlu zone, except the “Rivers Orlu Zone”. But yet the party won the Senatorial Seat of Orlu. So, what went wrong? The answer is as good as mine.
In Owerri, in 1999, Senator Evan Enwerem won the Senatorial election, with the stupendous fund he backed the exercise with.
Remember that after Hon Levi Oguike of PDP representing Owerri Federal Constituency, Uche Onyeagocha of APGA took over, then Hon Ernest Ibejiako of PDP and now, Hon Onyewuchi of APGA. So, both parties have been sharing the booty.
And Senator Chris Anyanwu of the APGA is representing the entire Owerri zone at the Senate at the moment. Therefore, can any body say PDP is in an overwhelming majority over APGA in Owerri Zone, when they have been sharing the price since 1999?
Therefore, Owerri Zone is a headache which PDP must find a solution to, or the zone again applies “APC” medicine on it. The party should begin now to find final solutions to its problems before it is too late.
One of the obstacles facing Imo PDP presently is the problem generated by the Litigation of the 2011 Supplementary election before the Supreme and Appeal Courts now.
This development has put the party in the quagmire. should we wait till the out-come of the litigation which no one knows when it will end, and on whose side, while the time ticks?
It would be recalled that Senator Ifeanyi Ararume, the Governorship candidate of ACN had approached the court to interpret  if the Governorship Supplementary election of May 6, 2011, which produced Gov Rochas Okorocha was legal. Chief Ikedi Ohakim of PDP asked to be joined, which the Appeal Court affirmed.
However, Okorocha went to Supreme Court to challenge the joining of Ohakim, while the main suit is still pending at the Appeal Court.
Ohakim is here, carrying the mandate of the PDP as its candidate in the matter. Therefore, will PDP abandon him? While the case lasts in Court, will the PDP exercise patient until justice runs its full course, or shall it start entertaining proddings from Aspirants who wish to contest 2015 Governorship, while that of 2011 remains unresolved?
This is where wisdom and administrative acumen of the PDP hierarchy should come to bear. It is like the Egg and Chicken, which came first?
This scenario has unleashed a very critical development among PDP members. As natural, those who wish to fulfill their Governorship ambitions in PDP are busy oiling their political machines for the battle ahead.  Will you blame them?  And they are in good number, jostling for the single ticket.
And yet, the PDP candidate is in court also fighting for his mandate, and praying that God may restore his office.
It is now left for the Leaders of PDP to be able to manage this confused situation for all parties involved and their followers to still remain faithful to the party.
There is the other issue of the “Patriots”. This is a Body made up of mainly some old and experienced politicians of PDP who had traversed other political parties, and again back to PDP. The Body is gradually becoming a force, and seems to have capitalized on the lacuna of no single arrow head of PDP Leadership in Imo State, to poach some willing vibrant young men and women looking for direction.
While the “Patriots” believe they are in the right direction with their activities which centres on galvanizing PDP members in the state into action, but the PDP State Executive is saying that the “Patriots” are trying to take over their jobs, by touring LGAs, without permission from the State Working Committee. And again, the “Patriots” is not a creation of the State PDP Exco.
This face-off between PDP Exco and “Patriots” has dominated the Airwaves and Beer Parlours to the extent that each individual questioned has one good thing to say about the PDP and “Patriot”.
But is this an auspicious time for the Imo PDP Exco to have these distractions? Can Imo PDP weather these storms and come out stronger? Has the party learnt from its past experiences? Only time will tell.