Tobacco And Smoking (2)


health watch
A puff of cigarette releases trillions of free radicals which cause inflammation of the tissues. This inflammation is the principal source of oxidative stress in humans. Nicotine in a puff reaches the brain in 6-8 seconds where it stimulates release of neurotransmitters. All its cancer causing agent gain easy access to the lung tissue. It is the worst risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. High dose stimulates the release of adrenaline and nor adrenaline. Tobacco is linked to fourteen different cancers of the respiratory track. Smoking related cancers account for 40% of cancer death in men, 5 times more in men than women. Smoking tobacco accounts for 85% of primary lung cancer. There are about 599 approved addictives in a stick of cigarette and its smoke is proven to contain over 4000 toxic cancer causing agents. These include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen cyanide, tar and ammonia to name a few. Low pricing, high status attached to smoking and excessive advertisement have turned about 14% of Nigerians into smoking of which about 7% will die of tobacco related ailments.
The carcinogens in cigarette cause cancer of the lungs, throat, mouth, esophagus (gullet) and bladder. Smoking is a serious risk factor to cardiovascular diseases. Tobacco damages sperm cells making them likely to fertilize eggs. It increases the rate of abortions, sudden foetal deaths and low birth weight babies. In addition these babies do not develop intellectually at the same rate as children born of non smoking parents. It is even a cause of mental subnormality one further fact is that smoking adds to the toll of accidental deaths. Over one hundred people die in fires annually, the causes of which are traced to smoking. An intelligent understanding of these facts should help young people to resist this dangerous and useless habit. It is important to do so not only to protect them from its unfortunate consequences but also because if young people smoke heavily there is evidence to show that growth may be retarded, athletic performances affected and muscular power decreased with permanent fatigue. It is also obvious that those who suffer from asthma or any respiratory disability should be warned emphatically against smoking. Smoking causes and worsens diabetes since it causes production of adrenalin and nor adrenalin which push up blood sugar.
Note to the following statistics and hazards of smoking and be warned. About 1 in 3 cancer death is due to smoking. About 1 in 5 deaths from cardiac disease is due to smoking. About 9 out of 10 deaths from bronchitis, emphysema and other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are caused to smoking. An average smoker losses 8 years of his life to cigarette. Smokers have 70% overall death rates compared to non smokers. Risk of coronary heart disease is double in smokers compared to non smokers. Sudden death is 4 times more in young smokers than in non smokers. 500 million people living today will ultimately die as a result of cigarette smoking. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that smoking causes 3 million death per year worldwide. Like all habits, smoking once established is hard to stop. It is relatively easier not to acquire the habit than to stop it once established. To resist the habit requires the understanding gained through education and the exercise of self discipline. To stop the habit requires not only self discipline but in addition better and less harmful ways of reducing nervous tension. An interesting occupation, relaxation and absorbing hobbies are good investments against starting this habit and can be equally effective in stopping it.
To diminish the effect of smoking try to reduce the amount of smoke inhaled, use filtered cigarettes and do not smoke the cigarette to the very end. Consider switching to pipe smoking or reduce the number you smoke each day by increasing the interval between them. Better still consider seriously trying to give it up all together and spend the money on something more useful, interesting and less harmful. The money saved over a period of time would probably go a long way towards providing the family with a house. Decide never to start or if you have started decide on a particular day you will stop and make yourself keep that decision. Most important of all as you grow older do not underestimate the importance of example set by you to the young you are privileged and bound to influence.
Healing words
“That it might be fulfilled that which was spoken by Esaias the prophet saying, himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” Matthew 8:17.
I realize it might not be easy for you to forsake any bad habit you have developed over the past years including smoking. You may have made decisions and tried to stop without success. The good news is that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. So why not take that

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