Flood Disaster Again: One Drowned, As Oguta Lake Overflows


By innocent osuoha
What the core Oguta indigene would never ask for in life is the reoccurrence of the flood disaster they witnessed around October 2012. The damages by the disaster are better merely remembered than experienced again.
Without sounding like a prophet of doom, from all indications, it appears another flood disaster is imminent as the Blue lake is gradually exceeding its bounds and with its attendant change of water colour.
Last Friday the seventeenth day of October, 2014, the stormy lake took the life of one Mr Emeka Madu, a native of Otulu in Oru West LGA.
An impeccable source told Trumpeta that on that fateful day Emeka who resides in Orsu Obodo but works in the Diocese on the Lake was quite hale and hearty when he and others entered a canoe
The source said the canoe almost over loaded to the detest of Mr Emeka Madu who quickly complained but had to shut up when the old woman who paddled the canoe quickly reacted. “If you won’t board this canoe please come down”. Emeka did not come down, instead another passenger who was not happy as Emeka and identified as Lady Stella Oti came down and the canoe commenced sailing.
According to an eye witness, just about ten minutes later the wave became too stubborn which made the old woman incharge to loose control and the canoe capsized drowning all the passengers except the old woman who swam out. The eye witness said efforts of the divers around saved all the passengers on board except Emeka whom Trumpeta learnt was forced down the depth of the lake by those loads he had earlier complained about. By the time the divers found Emeka, he was already dead.
Trumpeta learnt that it is not quite three months the deceased buried his wife as he was still mourning his late wife.