A Wounded Heart?


Nina F. Nwulu


The heart is one of the smallest parts of the body which is located at a hidden corner of the human body. The heart though small in nature performs important functions which include the pumping and the circulation of blood to all parts of the human body. The heart is usually active and its inactivity is a sign of danger.
It is the heart that controls the central existence of human life. From the womb, the heart beats second by second. The operator of the organ is a dedicated and committed being called God. While we sleep, he is always busy coordinating the pumping system and for the twenty four hours of the day, he is always busy, working round the clock to ensure that the hearts of men do not fail. The reason for this impeccable commitment is because of the delicate nature of the work the heart performs. The hand of the maker is ever glued to the heart of men. To some, he pumps and circulates blood for a period of hundred years or more and to some others it might be less.
The heart is like an egg, when it breaks it has no remedy, when the heart stops circulating blood, human life ceases to exist. That accounts for the reason God guides it so jealously and fights to protect it from harm. The same heart that God protects, human beings attack randomly without mercy. People have suffered several heartbreaks from fellow human beings for one reason or the other.
When two people are in love, what it means is that they live for the happiness of each other. They toil and work very hard to ensure that both of them share the joy together. They guard against anything that will generate pain. Some people go extra miles to please others.
Imagine this: a young female banker met and fell in love with a young handsome fresh graduate. She saw this young man in a supermarket and instantly fell head-over-heels in love with Mr. Prince Charming.
At close interaction, the lady discovered that the young man, fresh from school, just came into town to search for a job while putting up with his elder sister. As they got more intimate in their relationship, the lady resolved within herself to use her connection to get him a good job. Before any one could say “Jack Robinson”, the effect of the young woman’s contacts produced a good result of a good job for the young man. Even while still searching for a job for Prince Charming, my young lady literally took over the responsibility of this man. She provided shelter when his sister relocated to another part of the country. The lady out of love rented an apartment for her Prince Charming. She fed and clothed this guy before she was able to secure him a job.
Having worked for two years, he proposed to her friend and within the shortest possible time, they got married and eventually settled down to what ordinarily should have been a much happier and fulfilled life. At the end of the wedding, life was very peaceful and enjoyable. They did most of their things together, life was so blissful that they could not have wished for a better company other than theirs. They dreamt and executed their dreams together. Every other thing was in place  a cozy apartment, good cash and a home full of joy. That was the state of this young couple until issues of life started tearing them apart. The confusing aspect was that Prince Charming never came straight as to the main issue bothering him. If it was not that the soup tasted sour, the complaint would be that his wife came back late from work or that the house was not properly swept. The mountain of disagreements became endless and the centre was almost not holding; yet, the woman kept believing that situations would normalize and she will be able to be once again the Queen of the House she had always been. She prayed earnestly that her husband would be able to open up and tell her what the issues were really because the man severally had denied that their state of childlessness was the problem. He had encouraged her in the past not to dwell so much on the issue because God will answer them when He will. But if the fuss was not based on their childless state why then is her house burning? Amaka (for that was her name) wondered! How come that her home which was the equivalent of paradise suddenly become the abode of Satan. Amaka came back one day from work and met her house almost empty. What could be more empty than the absence of her dear husband.
When she came back and met her house empty, she could not believe what she saw. She quickly rushed to their bedroom and discovered that every property that belonged to the husband had all vanished to thin air. Their living room was not spared as the man made away with every valuable property in the living room. The house had no record of any existence of any valuable anywhere except Amaka’s boxes of clothes and her dressing mirror.
At first, she thought that it could be the handiwork of thieves but a close watch revealed that this could be the handiwork of Stanley. At the dawn of the truth, she slumped and passed away. She later saw herself in the hospital where doctors battled to save her life. Eventually, heavens smiled on her and she regained consciousness. After a few days, she came back home and wondered what blank cheque fate had presented to her. She traveled far in thought, wondering where and how she had offended Stanley and that was the very first time, her lips pronounced his real name for, she had always called him P.C meaning “Prince Charming”.
After several weeks without a word from Stanley, she decided to put a call across to him and she got the most horrible answer of her life. Stanley revealed to her, how he had never loved her as a woman. Further revelations from him showed that he had been living in a world of pretence all these while, he only accepted to date, court and marry her because he needed a benefactor. He stated how he would have loved to continue in this world of pretence, if she had given him a child much earlier in their marriage. He continued by saying that he thanked God who did not fail him by making their marriage childless for two years. According to him, that was a confirmation that she was not meant for him.
He said that the soured love between them led him into dating another lady who is an undergraduate; a relationship that had lasted for one and half years now. He revealed that the lady was carrying a seven months pregnancy for him. According to him, the condition of the lady led him to bolt away so that he could give due attention to the mother of his unborn child. He ended the sermon with a prayer that God should provide Amaka her own real husband. Amaka who fainted earlier, refused to faint this time around, rather she resorted to consoling herself through the inspiration of the biggest book of the world. She ran and drew her strength from the book of Psalms 30:5 that “Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning!”
She equally and completely pitched her tent with God’s consolation. She found herself in a new abode; the bossom of the Lord. The fountain of life brought everlasting water to her once dried lips. The prince of peace gave her that peace which passes all understandings of human beings. She instantly regained her freedom and became strong and well again. Today, what could have claimed her life became her testimony. She had since gone back to her work, having pulled her life together. Today, life still goes on well for her.
I do not know what your case may look like? It may be like that of Amaka or such that is related to hers, or perhaps a different scenario altogether, my advice is that there is no problem that comes to you which God is not able to pull you out from. You may be pondering if it is a crime to be nice to people. The answer is No! As much as lies within your strength, extend goodness to others. Be kind to people. Do not be discouraged by the evil that others have meted to you.
In the case of Amaka, she never committed any crime by falling in love and extending a hand of help to a loved one. But her supposed man treated her badly by deceiving her all through. Such is life! God loves us so much that he guides and protects us from all evil. He guides our heart with all amount of energy that we do not ever get hurt by him though some times, when we come in contact with fellow human beings and thrust our hearts to them they dash our hopes. The wounds inflicted become so hurting and deep to the extent that you may say “let me throw in the towel, the end has come!?” No!, stand up wherever you are!! Pull yourself together from where you have fallen. In case you have incurred swollen eyes and face, broken legs, and hands, wipe your tears and treat your wounds, dust your rumpled dress, comb your tattered hair. It is not the end of the life God has allotted to you. God is still very much by your side. The judge of all will judge your case and you will surely win. When you win, he will bring a good man around you. When God blessed Job the second time, he gave him ten fold of what he ever had. His sons and daughters where the envy of all around him.
God is a just God, he will certainly compensate you with the good you have done to others. When your way pleases the Lord, he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you. By the time, he is though with you, you will see that the glory of the latter shall be greater than the former.
Rise and be strong! Be rest assured that when nobody else cares, God and Nina care so much about you. Do you have a wounded heart? Do not pierce it the more by feeling the pain. If you can please let the sun’s rays shine on your heart and bring you joy. Do you think it is not possible? Oh yes my dear, it is very possible!
I love you all that are wounded at heart. But God loves you much more!!

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