No Tension In Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education -AASU Chairman -Ogu 



By Onyinyechi Amakaulo

The Chairman of the Association of Academic Staff Union of Alvan Ikoku Federal University, Dr Mrs Jovita Ogu on October 15th 2024 mada a press conference regarding to a publication made in different local Tabloids in Owerri suggesting a fracas in the institution.

Speaking during the conference,the chairman of the Association of Academic Staff Union of Alvan Ikoku Federal University Dr Mrs Jovita Ogu said that there is no tension whatsoever from any area of the school concerning the said publication.

She noted that some media houses are speculating  force information about the institution without verifying from the school management

She clarifies  as follows,”That by every stretch of the imagination ,there is no modicum of tension brewing in Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri as evident in the aura of peaceful atmosphere, industrial harmony,and unity of purpose currently pervading and prevalent in the university.

She further said that the University community wishes, to categorically state, without fear or Favour of contraction,and with every sense of responsibility that the unfounded allegations of demoting staffers of the institution is from the National Universities Commission (NUC) standard.

She further noted that NUC has an already long established set of laws , rules,code of conduct and regulations that guide the process of any transition from an already existing institution to a University, according to her ,those set of rules regulate the assessment cum evaluation and placement processes of both Academic and Non Teaching staff.

AASU Chairman also informed that a chief Lecturer in the then college here is re -designated to a lower rank pending the outcome of assessment,as the case may be ,and this by extension ,trickles down the other ranks .

She said it is the staff redesignation and placement in the University that is causing the outcry, outburst and raising of eye brows and for which they are falsely levelling unfounded allegations against the Management of the institution.

“Alvan Ikoku Federal University is not here to witch hunt any one and we go by the rules ,code and conducts of NUC standard so it is baseless ,mischievous and unfounded for someone or a group of persons to present the institution and it’s management in a bad light” just to get cheap popularity”.

“So I therefore advise that anyone going in that line should please have a rethink because Alvan is moving forward just for humanity”. she submitted.

Ogu therefore states that the staff , students and management of Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education is one accord with the acting Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Stella Ngozi Lemchi ,who according to her ,has shown capacity and capability in ensuring a seamless transition process of the University as well as championing the collective welfare of every staff of the University to ensure that all staff are carried along in the new dispensation and as well as ensuring that the Academic programs of the university are second to none .

The AASU Chairman Dr Ogu , also use the opportunity to assure the VC that the staff, students as well as other stakeholders of the university are solidly behind her . noting that Alvan remains the only pace -setting and a leading college of education not only in Nigeria but also in the sub – Saharan Africa in both standard of teaching, learning and quality of products.