FUTO Girl Disgraced for Branding his guy ATM Machine


The men folks have been branded different kinds of names by the female folks, especially judging by the way they (men) come in handy to the opposite sex.

In the four walls of our Ivory towers, the ladies have also mastered their trade in extorting guys as much as they can in the name of being in love with them.

Just last week, luck ran out on one of the daughters of Eve, who lives in Hostel D of Federal University of Technology Owerri.  (I know you’ll be wondering what this FUTO guys have done to me, well they seem to have all the news for now).  The girl in her teens have been having a field day extorting cash and gifts at will from his so called school boy friend.

The young boy confessing to campus gist frawned at the fact that the girl has been deceiving him inspite of how he suffered and laboured to woo her to love and accept him.

The relationship came to a dramatic end and when on that faithful day, ‘my guy’ took his friends to visit his new pride of love and allow them try their luck if they too can be hooked up with other female folks in the same hostel.

As my guy and his friends (male) settled down swiftly mixing in a romantic manner with the female friends of the said girl, one of my guy’s friend who was already feeling at home with a new catch got hold of a blackberry Phone that incidentally belonged to the girl in question.

As the two new lovers were admiring the BB, my guy’s friend stumbled on his friends numbers stored with a title ‘ATM’.  He quickly dialed his phone with the BB to be sure, and behold it proved to be true.  He quickly informed his friend who in turn stated raging with brimstone and threaten to beat up the girl after taking back his BB he bought for the girl while wooing him.

It took the special intervention of the school security to calm the nerves as the girl lost her BB, and her ATM.

Too much for calling your lover a ‘mugu’.