Chief Collins Osuagwu; a businessman-turned politician and philanthropist is a guber aspirant under the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Imo state. In this chanced encounter with our reporter recently speaks on self, and the preparedness of his party to clinching the Imo Government House in 2019 and sundry issues. Excerpts.

Tell us more about you.

Well, you already know my name; and I was born in April 1973 somewhere in Kaduna where my parents lived. My father was a soldier with the Nigerian Army, but at the age of Nine years we moved to Imo state where I also continued my education; first from Orlu Road Primary School and Shell Camp Primary School and, later Holy Ghost College all in Owerri, Imo State. So, you can see that I am a full home bred (laughs). I later gained admission into the Enugu State University but left after six months to further my educations at Donetsk State University, Ukraine, and rounded off with Open University, London where I studied Political Science and Human Resources. Studying abroad has opened my eyes and given me more insights on how to improve the standard of education in Imo state when we come on board. I guess I have answered your question.

Very well sir. Now, most people have been wondering where you are coming from in terms of profession. Can we confidently say you are a businessman, politician or philanthropist?

I will say I am into all – business, politics – from where I run my philanthropic activities. I have gained a lot of experiences in both fields that I can use to change my peoples’ conditions in Imo state when I become governor from 2019. As a businessman, I am the Chief Executive Officer of Col-Blue Ocean Line Limited; Collinso International Limited; Zeus Marina Oil and Gas Limited; and as a philanthropist I am the founder of Collins Osuagwu Foundation from where I share my business profits with my people. You see, both complement each other, hence from our business investments we raise resources to run our philanthropic activities; to help humanity. That is how they work.

You have variously talked about when you become governor. Tell us, are you running for governor of your State?

Yes. I am contesting under the Social Democratic Party (SDP). SDP is the party to beat in Imo State come 2019. As I speak to you, my party can win in Imo state in 2019. The people are tired of the old order. They just need real change, and that change will come from me. They know me and my value. They know that I can deliver, and that is why they wooed me into joining the race. They have implicit confidence in me, and I assure them they won’t be disappointed when we take off.

What makes you think you are qualified to govern Imo?

I am sure you are tracking global events. The world is tilting towards the younger generation and we must not lag. I fall within the digital generation taking over power from our analogue parents. They have done their best, but their bests today do not fall into our present reckoning. That is why the younger generation of leaders must be given space to fix our world, and like I said earlier other developed countries are queuing into this philosophy. In Imo, I am one of the most qualified in this category. I have developed myself for this. I have the intellectual capacity and needed resources to prosecute this project. I have made my marks among my contemporaries. All I seek now is the opportunity to replicate all that I have gained in life in my state. Recently, I have won awards of commendation from my people and members of my generation. I have been honoured by Imo State Youth Parliament. I have also received award as an Icon of Leadership of the State and Award of Excellence by Concerned Citizens of Imo State. These are parts of my recognitions among my generation.

How would you rate the present administration in the State?

Like I said earlier, they have done their bests. Let us be allowed to show that this generation belongs to us. When we come on board, the difference will be clear. We are going to fix the rots.

If Imolites want good governance, think technological advancement, think infrastructural development, think of an egalitarian society, think of a great and vibrant economy then, they should think Chief Collins Osuagwu:

I’m a well refined, informed and enlightened Philanthropist and seasoned businessman whose decision to become the governor of Imo State was informed by the need to rebuild Imo state, put an end to the poverty and sufferings of the people and make Imo state the real pride of the nation .I enjoined our people to   give me their unbiased and unflinching support to make Vision Reclaim Imo a reality and our dear Imo state will be great again.

Chief Collins Osuagwu is the man for governor .Thank you.