Okorocha’s Second Baptism of Fire


Okorocha Elthelbert2

Yesterday Monday May 14, 2018 saw the All Progressive Congress (APC) local government congress in Imo State which ordinarily supposed to hold alongside others across the country.

Needless dwelling much on why it was postponed till yesterday, but the hard fact remained that the centre could not hold in Imo APC and therefore things failed apart.

Unfortunately, Governor Rochas Okorocha who is the leader of the party in the state goofed when he failed to read the hand writing on the wall as he went ahead promoting and using mediocre instead of his first eleven.

And while all these went on, aggrieved members of the party who strongly accused the governor of not carrying them along, insensitive as well felt that the best approach is to dislodge Okorocha at the congresses which of course is here now.

The outcome of the two congresses of the party in the state, the ward and local government are no longer history to political pundits especially those who has religiously followed the trend in the state. What the governor appears not to have appreciated up to today is the fact that there is urgent need for him to unify the party in the state than allowing charlatans and political no do wells to continue sitting at the front seat of the party.

Such desperations like attempting arson, trading blames and counter blames are not the right thing to do as we speak. There are still opportunities for the governor to reconcile with the APC Coalition under the headship of Dr.Uzoma Obiyo and Chief Okey Ikoro.

And part of this could be, to drop all attempts of vendetta on some select members of the Coalition as well as drop the already failed and unpopular candidacy of his son- inlaw Uche Nwosu. The grouse of the Coalition may not be far from the fact that things must be done transparently and democratically too devoid of imposition by one man.

Desperation to us will not win this war but rather, eschew of pride and arrogance is the best solution to the raging catastrophe. The Governor and leader of the party in the state require some honour and respect but again he has to earn it.

Story has it that in one of the boxing tournaments between Dick Tiger and Fulma those days, that Fulma gave Dick Tiger a very hot and dangerious upper cut which forced Dick Tiger to scream thus, “ Umunna e, ihea obu aka ka obu igwe e” meaning, brothers, is this Iron or hand.

After all these two congresses, that appears to be what is at the lips of our dear governor Okorocha after this second shameful and humiliating outing and the earlier he eschew pride and arrogance and do the needful, the better for him.