School Principals, Teachers Paraded For Examination Malpractice


School Principals, Teachers Paraded For Examination Malpractice

All is not Uhuru yet for principals and teachers in Nigeria, as the Nigerian Police Force in collaboration with examination body, West African Examination Council, WAEC have paraded 17 school principals and teachers engaging in examination malpractices.

The 17 suspects were arrested from Kano, Bauchi, Nasarawa, and Rivers state while, other suspects nabbed for similar offence in Delta
Enugu and Lagos states have been prosecuted in competent courts.

The aim according to the Force spokesman, DCP Frank Mbah was to sanitize and restore the integrity of the examination process of the regulatory body domiciled in Nigeria and caution against any form of malpractices.

The suspects were said to have leaked the questions to students during the just concluded WAEC examination, across the country.

He said, “It is in line with this new approach and partnership that we present to you, a total of 17 suspects arrested from different parts of the country.”

“Paradoxically, the bulk of these suspects who are aiding the perpetration of the fraud and exam malpractices all happen to be persons who were employed, trained and paid to promote the educational system. I am talking of teachers. All of them are teachers.”

“They are the ones that work as supervisors, invigilators or as the host teachers in the schools the exams are conducted”

The Force spokesperson went on cautioning members of the public, including parents, guardians, teachers and candidates to stop engaging in exam malpractices. He notes that the force in dynamic approach has developed robust technologies that can detect, trace and apprehend perpetrators of exam malpractices.

“All these suspects would be arraigned before competent courts of law in the country. As I speak to you, some of them have already been charged to court,” Mba said.

Mrs Omolemi Hassan, who represented the Head of National Office, WAEC Nigeria and Registrar to Council, while appreciated efforts of the police cried at the moral decadence of some of the teachers.

She stated, “During the exams, many people were talking about leakage and so on. There was no leakage at all.

“It was just a situation where those we trusted with our question papers, those who were nominated by Ministries of Education in different states, stooping too low to upload pictures on websites and WhatsApp groups. They are indeed the ones who have tried to scuttle our efforts.” cried the WAEC Chief.

Fake EFCC Officials Arraigned In Court

Following orders of the Commissioner of Police, CP Isaac Akinmoyede, the three arrested and dismissed police officers have been arraigned in court.

The ex policemen were alleged to have impersonated the officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC to extort money from unsuspecting members of the state.

Crime in Focus gathered that, the suspects were alleged to have extorted huge unspecified amount of money from suspected internet fraudsters under the guise of working for the anti graft agency.

Not only did they stop there, they were also alleged to have taken in possession, gadgets including laptops and smart phones belonging to the suspects.

Their dismissal followed orderly room trial leading to their being in custody in Owerri.

Recall that the Commissioner, CP Isaac Akinmoyede had dismissed 11 police officers, while about 19 others were thoroughly investigated over acts of gross professional misconduct and corrupt practices.
[06:29, 29/11/2020] Tochi Trumpeta: How Child Snatched At Gunpoint In Orlu Was Discovered In Anambra.

The Anambra state police command have bursted an organized child trafficking syndicate that specialized in stealing children in and around the South East who among their victim was a two year old child in Orlu, LGA of Imo state.

Parading the suspects recently at the Anambra Police command, the Public Relations officer, SP Haruna Mohammed informed that the syndicate was arrested following intelligence tip off by the police attached to Onitsha Area command in collaboration with the Command’s State Intelligent Bureau (SIB).

Among the eight children stolen was a year and half old baby recently snatched at gun point from the parents at Orlu, in Imo state and a 15year old pregnant girl, among …

Imo State Police Command Debunks Allegation On Extortion.
The Imo state Police command has debunked the rumour making rounds of operatives of Ehime Mbano divisional police office demanded money and a compulsory male surety over a land dispute.

In a rejoinder signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, SP Orlando Ikeokwu, it reads, “the attention of the Imo state Police command has been drawn to a publication by SAHARA Reporters,, as well as other social media platforms where it was alleged that operatives of the Divisional Police Officer, Ehime Mbano while handling a civil matter (land dispute) collected the sum of (N19000) and further demanded for thirty thousand (N30000) and a male surety for the bail of the two suspects in the matter (Mr and Mrs Paul Osuji), as well as a comment credited to me the PPRO Imo state.”

“To set the records straight, the matter reported was Assault Occasioning Harm, where the suspects met the complainant farming on a piece of land(possibly in dispute), beat her up and inflicted bodily injuries on her. As the the case Assault Occasioning Harm was established and was being investigated then”.

“Secondly, money was never paid to anybody as the suspects were not released on bail but charged to court.”

“Thirdly, there was no demand for thirty thousand Naira, as the directive of the DPO was that the matter be charged to court since both parties could not reach a consensus when the DPO provided them an avenue for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).”

“Similarly, the comments credited to me was either misunderstood or misinterpreted to suit whatever purpose the writer had in mind.”

“For avoidance of doubt, I received a phone call informing me that the Police at Ehime Mbano are meddling on a civil matter (land dispute), and demanding the sum of fifty thousand Naira (N50,000) for bail, he also complained that they demanded for a Male surety when there is a woman available, and further demanded to know if a woman cannot stand as a surety on a matter.”

“I told him there is no law stating that a woman can not stand as surety, but the person in whose custody the suspect is has a responsibility to either accept or reject a surety, based on the credibility and reliability of such surety, because as the person in charge of that jurisdiction, the Officer is expected to have very good knowledge of the people within the area, and the essence of a surety is to ensure that the person being taken on bail is produced whenever needed until the case against him or her is finally disposed off, and I said “some people reject women based on their belief that she is not independent or may not be based in an area” and I ended up saying that it is wrong as there is no law stating such.”

“He further informed me about the issue being civil in nature, and that they also demanded for fifty thousand Naira (N50,000) for bail.”

“Sequel to all the above, I put a call across to the DPO who informed me that the allegations are false, as the matter had been charged to court and the suspects granted bail at the court. I called back and informed the caller that there was no such suspect in the station as they there were charged to court, I was surprised to discover that he wasn’t even aware of the development, it is noteworthy that all through my discussion with him there was no time he talked about any nineteen thousand Naira (N19,000) given to anyone.”

“From the above stated one can vividly see the inconsistencies in the comments of the writer vis a vis his article.”

“The command wish to advise journalist to approach issues profession ally rather than attaching sentiments to issues. You don’t give a dog a bad name because you want to kill it “.

“The Nigeria Police has maximum respect for the women folk and will never discriminate them in any way.”