The people of Imo State at mid-day of Monday, September 19, 2022 were surprised over the news of the emergence of a new Speaker of the State Assembly, Rt Hon Emeka Nduka, who represents Ehime Mbano State Constituency.
Nduka emerged, following the said resignation of the former Speaker, Barr. Kennedy Ibeh who only held sway for a period of ten months.
Although people have their reservations concerning the pattern and processes that ushers in new Speakers, especially by producing the 4th Speaker within the 3rd year in the same dispensation, there are cheering news hovering around the latest Speaker from Ehime Mbano State Constituency.
In an avowed determination of keeping her esteem readers abreast of the happenings in and around the Imo State House of Assembly, Trumpeta Assembly Vibes brings to limelight some impeccable qualifications of the newly sworn-in Speaker.
It is of great importance to note that Rt Hon Emeka Nduka contested the 2019 Imo Assembly seat under the All Progressives Congress, APC. After the Election Petition Tribunal cases, he won his closest rival, a former House Member of the 8th House, Hon Lawman Duruji through the Appeal Court.
While majority of the members cross-carpeted to PDP and later to APC, Nduka was the only original APC person in the present House who held the APC’s official mandate.
Before his elevation as the number one Lawmaker of the present 9th House, he was the Deputy Majority Leader, a position he held with all sense of dignity and respect.
A sound Legal practitioner, the Rt Hon Emeka Nduka was an old Boy of a revered St. Peter Claver Seminary School, Okigwe. He later bagged a BS.c Hons in Government and Public Administration from Imo state University. He also bagged a second degree in Law from Imo State University, Owerri.
In 2016, after the successful one year course/ training at the Nigerian Law School, Nduka was called to Bar, a profession he upholds its ethics and tenets till date.
Still on memory lane, he contested and won the Councillorship election of his Nzerem/Ikpem Ward in Ehime-Mbano LGA in the year 2000.
Haven carved a strong niche for himself, the soft spoken, compassionate and friendly Nduka was appointed the Coordinator of Oyibo-Mbano Development Center in 2011 by the then Governor of Imo State, Chief Ikedi Ohakim.
A devout Christian, a husband and loving father, Nduka’s ascendancy to the plum position as number three citizen of Imo State have many interpretations in the lips of his classmates at the Seminary and others who have come in contact with him.
His level of humility, as clearly testified by all and sundry, and his inborn leadership traits, one could say, speak more of him.
However, many expectations await his reign.

At first, it was like a puzzle why a Speaker of a State like Imo would wake up and voluntarily resign without any reason.
This was the case of Rt Hon Kennedy Chidozie Ibeh, member representing Obowo State Constituency at the Imo State House of Assembly.
Ibeh became the 3rd Speaker of the House in November 2021, after the impeachment of his predecessor, Rt Hon Paul Emeziem.
Exactly ten months of his reign, Ibeh tendered a resignation letter.
Sequel to this, Trumpeta Assembly Vibes digged deep in unraveling the mystery behind such unusual character since the history of Imo legislature, and came out with substantial factors which probably led to his derobing as Imo’s Speaker.
It was gathered that the lingering supremacy tussle in Obowo APC was behind Kennedy Ibeh’s decision.
Authoritative information obtained by this Newspaper disclosed that due to the perceived neglect to his exalted position as the number three citizen of Imo State Ibeh resigned.
It was believed that the former Speaker had been in cold war with the Commissioner for Housing in the State, Lady Love Ineh over who controls the soul of APC in Obowo.
A factor that had eaten deep in the unity of APC in Obowo, Ibeh sought to be given the upper hand and full respect to direct APC affairs, but the woman Commissioner, we learnt, resisted all Ibeh’s moves.
Expected to be fully incharge of government appointments or recognitions in his Obowo APC, Ibeh felt disappointed when Ineh appeared to be topping him and was instrumental to the emergence of the SOLAD and development centres Coordinators.
Ineh was said to be the government eye in Obowo LGA through her most jobs are executed.
An insider told our correspondent that Hon Kennedy Ibeh felt like he was not being carried along and given a waiver to make top decisions as it concerns APC in Obowo, rather the woman Commissioner always had her ways.
Unable to further condone the excesses, Ibeh resigned and believed it would be better as a House member, than remain a Speaker yet have no full authority to exert powers in APC of Obowo LGA.
Recall that Ibeh is the APC Assembly candidate for 2023, for his third term missionary journey.

Imo State Governor, Senator Hope Uzodimma has reiterated his resolve not to interfere in the internal affairs of the State Legislature.
He gave this assurances late hours of Monday during the official presentation of the new Imo Assembly Speaker, Rt Hon Emeka Nduka in Government House, Owerri.
While congratulating Nduka on his emergence, Governor Uzodimma reaffirmed his determination in giving the other Arms of Government the necessary support to thrive.
He had earlier before then submitted that the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive are the tripod to a sustainable Government, hence the need for all to work harmoniously.
Even at that, the Governor opined, he would not in any way dictate to the House how to run their affairs.
He gave recourse that as a seasoned national Lawmaker who served as a two term Senator, he understands the principles of separation of power.

Death has been announced of Ezinne Matilda Nwanyimejomobi Akalugo, the mother of Hon. Anthony Akalugo, the Leader of all Legislative Aides and Personal Assistants to lawmakers of Imo State House of Assembly.
According to a press release signed by the head of the family, Mr Samuel Akalugo, the body of the late Matriarch will leave Mortuary at 8am, Thursday 20th October 2022 for brief lying in state at the family compound, Akalugo family, Umuakaje Umuseke Okwudor, Njaba LGA.
At 9.30am, body leaves for CKC Catholic Church, Okwudor for requiem mass and interment follows at family house after the mass. Reception holds at Community School field, Okwudor, Njaba LGA.
Ezinne Matilda Akalugo was aged 91 years and was a symbol of virtue, compassion, a proven woman leader in the community, and the church. She was blessed with many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, among whom is Hon. Anthony Akalugo Esq, the leader of legislative Aides of the 9th house and the Leadership Sustainability Coach.
May her soul rest in peace.