School Principal Suspended Over Act Of Misconduct


.As Education Commissioner Reads Riot Act

By Okey Alozie

Prof Johncliff Nwadike, Commissioner for Education in Imo State is said to have swung into full action to revive the Education sector which was at the verge of collapse before he assumed office last year.

On Tuesday 21st February 2023, during a meeting with Principals and Directors in the Ministry of Education the  slage hammer felled on some school heads who were alleged to have been involved in some sharp practices and gross misconduct.

He pronounced the demotion of a School Principal in city secondary school Owerri located along Wethral road.

The Commissioner who raised eyesbrow on the misbehavior of some Principals of secondary schools in the State warned that it is no longer going to business as usual, adding that there will be sanction for those who refuse to play according to the rules.

He however stated that he must surely reward those who did well in the system.

He complained bitterly on extortion, Lazy attitude to work, absentism, truancy and lateness to work.

He also said that elevation from now on will be based on merit, adding that the era of getting promotion and elevation through the back door is over.

He advised the Principals to turn a new leaf in order to last long in the system.

Speaking further at the meeting held at Teachers House Owerri, Tuesday, the Commissioner regretted why some Principals and Teachers should mortgage their conscience because of things of the world.

He revealed that most of the Principals connive with PTA chairmen of schools to extort money from school children and their parents.

He therefore declared that any PTA chairman of any of school who collects unapproved levy from school children will be arrested and prosecuted. He also insisted that any chairman whose child is no longer in the school cannot function as a PTA member or official again.