Dear Sir


Registration of SIM cards.

Nigeriastood still for weeks sometime last year for the registration of SIM cards. The exercise which was ordered and supervised by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) lasted several weeks throughout the federation.

Precious time and money were wasted for the registration which I understand was aimed at sanitizing the use of mobile phones as well as check phone thefts. I also gathered that the Commission budgeted N3billion for the exercise. I feel that the commission should explain to Nigerians how the N3billion was expended. Was the N3billion used for the purchase of new equipments or staff emoluments?

One of the adduced reasons for the registration was the bringing to an end the theft of mobile phones as well as the use of the facility by black mailers, kidnappers and other criminally minded elements in the society.

My appeal to the federal government is to scrap the NCC for its failure to achieve the set objective. Kidnappers still use mobile phones to execute their murderous business of extorting millions of Naira at gun point. Now an everyday occurrence, not even one kidnapper has been trailed to its den with the aid of mobile phones while stealing of phone has become an every day occurrence.

My suggestion is that corporate fraud should be thoroughly investigated and those found wanting penalized. The registration exercise was a colossal waste of time, energy and resources.

The boss of the NCC should explain to the nation why his grandiose plan flopped.


John Ibegbu
