ASUP Goes Back on Strike Today Vows to Down Tools if demand is not met


The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic, ASUP, has announced that the resumption of suspended nation wide strike would commence today, following the failure of the Federal Government to fulfill agreement with the union (ASUP).
The Chairman Senate Committee on Education Prof. Uche Chukwumeriji pleaded with the union to call-off the strike the while he intervenes on their behalf, the strike due to the Federal Lawmakers intervention was later suspended on July 17.
The union took the decision at the 75th National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held at the Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niger State and resolved to resume the suspended strike on October 4.
The lecturers lamented on the decaying standard of Polytechnic education and asked for the assistance of the National Assembly, parents and other notable groups to assist in making a change in polytechnic education in Nigeria.
NEC resolved that;
That government should without delay address all the outstanding standing issues including the NEED’s Assessments of the Polytechnics and the corresponding funding, Constitution of the Governing Councils of the remaining Federal Polytechnics, CONITSS 15 Migration of the lower cadres, the removal of disparity between HND and Degree certificates, establishment of the National polytechnics Commission (NPC), release of the white paper of the visitation panels to polytechnics.
That the National Assembly should rescind from its current ant- labour posture in the interest of industrial peace and our desperate move to rescue the endangered soul of the tertiary institutions in the country.
That the National Assembly should expedite action on the review of the Polytechnic Act.
That the Nigerian political class and other interest groups should exercise restraint on their utterances and activities in the interest of peace, unity and security of the nation.
That stakeholders in the education sector such as parents, students, religious leaders, the press, members of states and National assemblies to rise to their responsibilities of rescuing the (polytechnic) education sector from imminent collapse.
That the position of ASUP, on the need to appoint Rectors from within the Polytechnic system remains irreversible.
Among others, the continued insincerity of Government to honour the agreement reached the suspended strike with effect from the 4th of October, 2013. NEC sincerely appreciates the good people of Nigeria and all other stakeholders in the education sector for their sustained support in its struggles to save the polytechnic education from total collapse in Nigeria.