Commissioner Uche Nwosu Escapes Death


By okey alozie
God saved the life of the commissioner for Land and Urban Development, Hon Uche Nwosu in a slight Auto crash between his convoy and the vehicle belonging to Ministry of Women Affairs Ministry at the Imo state secretariat complex on last Tuesday
An eye witness account revealed that the Toyota Hilux which is the leading escort vehicle of the commissioner reportedly hit the road in a careless manner and in the process brushed another vehicle belonging to a nursing mother who has been reported sick since after her delivery. Both the woman and child including the driver of the woman affairs ministry had injuries as the vehicle was badly damaged lives of everybody involved the accident while the pilot of the convoy rammed into the women affair vehicle that of the land commissioner almost lost control
Commissioner Uche Nwosu who came out of his vehicle shocked but happy to have been unhurt was spotted blaming his driver for wrong driving. He went round the vehicle and discovered that his driver caused a big damage on the smaller car belonging to ministry of women affairs and social development.
The commissioner in his God fearing accepted to put the damaged vehicle in order adding that the driver of the women affairs ministry should see him the next day for further compensation.