Soyinka Is A Political Tout -NCAT National Chairman


By samuel ibezim
The National Chairman and Commander In Charge of National committee Against Touting And Other Related matters (NCAT), Dr. Ike Anikwendu has described reknowned Noble laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka as a political tout for qualifying Nigerian President GoodLuck Jonathan as “worst than Nebuchadnezzer”. NCAT Boss said “Soyinka has lost his sense of decorum by describing the Nigerian President as a Nebuchaadnezzer and must go on his knees to apologize to the President”.
Dr. Anikwendu said that NCAT is partnering with other security personnel to flush out touts in the society branding as worst than Boko Haram. Inaugurating the pioneer NCAT officers in Imo State, he thanked the officers for joining NCAT and promised that the government will give them every support that would aid them in expelling touts in Imo State.
Earlier, the Imo State NCAT coordinator, Dr. Stanley Nwachukwu said that NCAT would ensure that they curb the activities of touts in public places, seaports, airports, motor parts and to clear all road blocks. He said that NCAT has the target of registering about 500 persons by the end of January, 2015. Dr. Nwachukwu said that proper disciplinary measures would be employed on any member that goes against the ethics of the job or flouts the orders of constituted authority. He solicited for support as NCAT promised to work with other security bodies in achieving their aim.
Also, the Imo/Abia zonal supervisor, Chief Steve Ohams said that NCAT started in year 2013 with only 4 members but has now spreaded nationwide. He also said that NCAT has come to stay and urged members to abide by the rules of NCAT.
The high point in the occasion was cutting the tape of the NCAT building in Owerri by NCAT National Director of operation 3, Hon. Chief Ifeanyi Gabriel Ogbuefi. There was a parade of salute and display of drama demonstrating their readiness to wipe out touts from Imo State. Dignitaries present were police Officers, Civil Defence security members and custom officers.