James Okere

Dr. Myles Munroe a well known pastor, author and public speaker said “Anyone who develops his gifts will become a community”.

Talents are one’s potentials deposited within a person. Talents are brain power for life accomplishments. They are gift from God. They are potentials that need to be identified by one. One need to think deep to become aware of these potentials endowed in him/her. In some cases through divine power one discovers these talents within him or her. In some others, a person is aided to discover the potentials deposited in him via mentorship. Talents are built around one’s vision of life.

Speaking on talents, a Nigerian entrepreneur; Hakeem Belo-Osagie said “I think that one thing that makes you happy and successful is to know that your operating at the peak of your abilities”. Talents vary from one individual and another. Some people could have talents in leadership, sports, writing, administration, analysis, acting, understanding, speaking, business etc. In the Holy Bible, talents are given special recognition or reckoning in that some people were discovered as Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets, and Apostles.

The Holy Bible recognized the role of talents in management of resources which was illustrated with the parable of talents (Mathew 25: 14-29). Also in the Holy Bible, the books of Romans 12: 6-8 and 1st Corinthians 12:27-30, recognized and listed various talents associated with us.

In addition, from Biblical accounts; Joseph had talent for dream interpretation, which eventually sky rocketed him to become a Prime Minister In a foreign land. Daniel also had gift for dream interpretation and excellent (leadership) spirit which gave him prominence when Nebuchadnezzar and Darius were kings in Babylonia. Jephthah had the talent of war management and execution which granted him success and recognition before the people of Israel.

History is abound with people who have risen to greatness through their talents development and discovery. Kanu Nwankwo and Jay Jay Okocha developed their talent in football. Also Precious Uzoaru Dede; former Nigeria’s senior female team no. 1 goal keeper and captain defiled opposition from his father to develop her talent. While Tiger Woods the world acclaimed golfer worked hard to develop his golf talent.

In addition, Chimanmanda Ngozi Adichie; a Nigerian has achieved greatness via her writing gift development. Dr. Ben Carson a world known neurosurgeon and role model for the world youths also worked hard to develop his writing talent leading to his publishing two world famous inspiring and motivational books- “Gifted Hands” and “Think Big”.

As noted above, gift or talents varies and are highly differentiated. In most cases, accomplished vision leading to great successes in life is as a result of talent discovery and development. When one’s drives are geared towards his talents, then the person is bound to achieve great leap in life, even if it takes longer period. Countries and Nations that have discovered the need to develop the potentials of their citizenry have gone far in societal advancement.

Many great men and women who have changed the course of history in their countries in particular and the world at large are people that have identified their talents, persevered and developed same accordingly for the betterment of mankind and society. One thing that is remarkable with talent discovery is that it gives great recognition, which could take years in some cases. From such recognitions, further accomplishments and great exploits follows. These exploits arising from talent discovery are highly remunerated at the appropriate time.

We therefore need to create all the necessary awareness and enablement amongst the people (students/youths, men and women) to strive to develop their talents which would go a long way to improve the lives of the people now and in future. No matter the age of one, a person can re-write his history through looking inwards to rediscover and develop his talent. In this regard Dr. Myles Munroe said “If you believe you’re too old to use your gift, you’re believing a lie”. It was at the age of 45 (forty five) years that Zig Zigla’s talents in public speaking events manifested. Today, Ziglar is a known personality in the word.

One remarkable thing about talent is that it must be discovered and developed. If not discovered and developed, the talent lies within and the carrier stays without making any personal contribution, thus loosing societal recognition.

Nelson Ikechukwu Nwamara (a former mass communication student of Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State, Eastern Nigeria) had the gift of writing and was further influenced by the works of Mike Awoyinfa’s column in Saturday Sun (Nigerian Newspaper): titled Press clips. From his writing gift, imbued with courage, Nelson ventured into publishing as a student and became the publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Zestar Magazine (an inspirational work that serves the Staff and Students of Federal Polytechnic Oko Anambra State, Eastern Nigeria). This accomplishment gave Nelson societal recognition.

Talent identified could only be developed through great passion, courage, perseverance and action. In developing our talents we must keep faith alive and work assiduously to achieve same. Individuals should therefore strive to develop their talents and in so doing one’s capacity is enhanced towards societal development. We require positive character, self discipline and self reinventing in our efforts to develop our individual potentials.