Changing a Horse in Midstream


In our circumstances neither a horse nor stream is involved, it depicts a scenario of policy discontinuity with its enormous waste of scare resources. When Governor Owelle Rochas  Okorocha unveiled his road map anchored on the Rescue Mission Agenda, many knew that the task ahead is arduous.

Some matured ones in mind and age distanced themselves from the mass euphoria because they knew that nothing is as painful as new ideas and their implementation. They stagnated drawing solace from the fact that the test of the pudding is in the eating. Expectedly, cracks began to appear in the policies and programmes of the Rescue Mission.

Under the act and think later syndrome which characterizes the administration, there was a complete detour from the Peoples Manifesto.

The document promised hat the administration will rebuild the Old Okigwe Road Secretariat and convert it to a hostel facility for Imo State University to alleviate the plight of the students.

This was not done. Rather; the Owelle administration got embroiled in relocating the university first to Ogboko and later to the original permanent site yet to be determined till date.

Thousands of Impolites who spent a fortune celebrating the free education policy for Imo citizens in tertiary institutions have developed heart attack following the modification of its modus operandi which excludes Imo students in federal tertiary institutions.

Why must a caring administration act this way aware of the fact that there are certain academic courses not offered or offered better at the three excluded federal institutions, FUTO, FED POLY, Nekede and AIFCE?

The transformation zeal of the Rescue Mission also anchored at the Community Government Council, CGC, Organized labour nearly bared its fangs to prevent the posting of civil servants to act as council secretaries.

Almost when no body expected it, the CGC civil servants were withdrawn and sent back to their ministries by the Imo state government.

Changing a horse in midstream has almost wrecked the fragile homes of some retire on the brink. After that highly dramatized dance with the governor at the Grass hoppers International Stadium, Owerri during which few retirees received three months pension allowances others went home still expecting their turn. After all, Owelle’s manifesto insisted that allowances and insert pensions and gratuities will be paid as at when due. This is yet to happen since May 2012.

There was another policy somersault the administration has reduced the number of road projects to be completed as soon as the rains cease to three in each LGA. This volte face has wrecked havoc on users of many rural roads poorly graded.


Delay in Dispensation of Justice


As one of the litigants who frequents the high courts in Imo state, I wish to draw the attention of the state government to the high cost of obtaining justice. At times, the courts do not sit when the plaintiffs or the defendants have already paid the transport allowances of their counsels which is N 5,000 in Owerri and about N 10,000 in Oguta and Ngor-Okapla and Obowo.

Each time, the cycle of adjournments drain the pockets of litigants or defendants.

Even when the hearing begins, the incessant long adjournments may cause a suit in court to last up to 20 years.

For some light headed litigants “extra judicial Justice” becomes an option, This may be arecourse to violence or native juju to resolve the logjam, Please, assist the judiciary to dispense justice in good time as justice delayed is justice denied.

Uche Mba Owerri.






        Give Douglas Road a Face-lift.


Douglas Roadwhich is as old asImoStateis fast conceding much of its physical attraction.

It has become the major refuse dumping ground in the municipality. Being close to Eke Ukwu Owere Market, the dumps along the Ekeonuwa street andChrist Church Roadare always filled to the brim.

At times, long stretches of decomposed garbage assail the nostrils two depots close to residential areas. The road will continue to be an eyesore until the refuse dumps are relocated away from this busy road.

With the envisaged relocation, the attendant health hazards will equally be over.

I also wish to remind the state government about the deep potholes on this major road which is the busiest in the municipality. The potholes have developed over the years because heavy trucks, construction equipments and oil tankers continue to pound the road day and night.

The fear is that unless the potholes are filled, road accidents may be unavoidable particularly along the congested Ekeukwu Owere Market.

Assuming one of the accident vehicles happens to be a tanker carrying fuel like petrol, the consequences will be too grave. Maintenance work is needed urgently on this busy road.

Ogu Chinonye  .M.

Imo Poly, Uumagwo.