Campus Gist


Madonna University Elele Is
Another Slave Camp Says Students

Madonna University Elele known for their academic excellence has in recent times been described as a new slave camp, where school officials treat students like prisoners of war and the Chief security officer takes the female students as sex instruments to satisfy his libido as compensation for sneaking them in and out of school without exit cards.
Campus Gist visited the school and spoke to some students who beard their minds on condition of anonymity.
According to students, the Chief security officer demands for sex from the girls when they default and because some female students willingly seduce him, in order to get away with their offence and avoid the school sledge hammer it has become like a normal practice for the school Chief security officer and other of his staff.
On the academic angle, Campus Gist discovered that medicine which is suppose to be a seven year course by NUC standards is presently 9 year at Madonna and students are warned not to inform the outside world about the concentration camp they are living in called, Madonna University.
Students complained to Campus Gist of the in human treatment given to them saying, how can security personal in the school be slapping students like kids and in some instances extorting money from students, especially the female ones? The students also questioned why the school authority should be partial in judging matters between students and officials, noting that ones a student is taken to the panel, he or she is found guilty even if he or she is right when Campus Gist tried to get the reaction of the CSO but he declined comments.
Campus Gist wants the Catholic Church and Rev Fr Ede to look into the issues knowing that we are in the 21st century and that people should not be treated as slaves even in his or her own country.

I believe In One Nigeria Poly Registrar
The Registrar of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Mr Matthew Aligbe has stated that Nigeria will not divide for any reason, but will remain in unity.
Mr Aligbe stated this in a interview while commenting on the giant strides of the country in his office.
He said that Nigerian leaders need to do away with ethnic tribalism and selfishness, adding that such things can Mar development of the country.
The academic pundit maintained that Nigeria has all it takes to solve its problem but stressed that greed and envy have not allowed the leaders to carry out significant projects that will touch lives.
He further stated that the leaders should initiate ideas that will have positive impact on the masses, adding that the problem of the country has been poor leadership.
On the education sector, Mr Aligbe blasted the federal government for failing to live up to its responsibility, noting that the education sector has gone comatose.
He however advised the federal govt to do everything within its powers to salvage the already dead education sector of the country, stressing that the frequent ASUU strike has done more harm than good to the sector.

Student Attempt Suicide Over ASUU Strike
by Ugwu Lilian Chidubem
The Ongoing Strike of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) created yet another scenario on Saturday 19th of October 2013 at the Dutse Alhaji area of Abuja when a 300 level female student of the university of Abuja who attempted to hang herself because of the nearly four months old strike was saved by the same rope she intended to kill herself with.
The student identified as Jane Okoro from one of the states in the South East had already hanged herself but fell to the ground while struggling apparently because the rope was not strong enough. She had sent her two brothers on an errand in order to have time for her evil act but one returned claiming he had forgotten the money he wanted to use for his personal needs, he was the one who raised alarm thinking his sister was dead when he met her on the floor with a rope tied around her neck while another dangling from the ceiling fan. It was later discovered by their neigbours that she was alive and it was only a suicide attempt.
“Frustration and idleness had driven Miss Jane Okoro into this devilish act even when she was aware of the poor state of her family especially after her father’s death” a neighbour said. Meanwhile, some are saying that there may be a different reason for the suicide attempt which only Jane can explain.
Jane’s last chat with a friend before the suicide attempt was “I tire for these ASUU people oooo”.
These four months strike may be a way of improving and developing the public tertiary institutions but it is also telling on our” students because it has kept most of them idle and we all know that “an idle person is the devil’s worship”. The Federal Government and Academic Staff Union of Universities should therefore reach a compromise fast.