Ngor Okpala Community Replies IPOB Over Ebubeagu Invitation Story


Ngor Autonomous Community in Ngor Okpala Local Government Area, Imo State has through some its prominent citizens, Traditional Title holders of the community have risen up to exonerate their Traditional Ruler, His Royal Highness, Eze Fred Nwachukwu, on the allegation that Ngor Community is habouring Ebubeagu Vigilante in the Council Area.

In a release signed by Traditional Ruler, HRH Eze (Engr) Sir Fred Nwachukwu, who doubles as the chairman of Ngor Okpala LGA Council of Traditional Rulers, and Ten Title Holders in the community, it was stated clearly that Ngor Community has no connection with Ebubeagu Vigilante, much more inviting the Group to Ngor Community.

“The Attention of the people of Ngor Autonomous Community has been drawn to a publication circulating  in Social Media, Radio Stations and Print over purported invitation and presence of Ebubeagu Vigilante in Ngor Autonomous Community through our Traditional Ruler, His Royal Highness, Eze Fred Nwachukwu” the release opened up.

It went on to say that rather than invite any Vigilante Group into Ngor Community, the Community already has its own self-funded Vigilante that is doing a good job and therefore the Community has no need to invite outside security Vigilante.

“In compliance to the decision of Ngor Okpala Council of Traditional Rulers urging every Autonomous Community to establish a Local Community Vigilante, Ngor Community nominated ten persons to form Ngor Vigilante outfit. And the nominated persons were inaugurated on October 3, 2022 at Ogboro Palace” the release explained.

Therefore the people of Ngor frowned at what it called “incessant, frivolous and unfounded accusations, periodically leveled against our Traditional Ruler”.

It would be recalled that the Media Space was awash with stories making the rounds that the Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, had written a letter warning the Traditional Ruler of Ngor Community, claiming that the dreaded Ebubeagu Vigilante outfit has arrived at Ngor Community at the behest of their Traditional Ruler, Eze Fred Nwachukwu, alleging that Ebubeagu is quatered at Old Customary Court, Umuneke.

IPOB, in the letter purportedly signed by one Emma Powerful, threatened to storm the community and flush out the Ebubeagu, warning about the consequences that would follow such clash.

Okenze Bernard Eke, Nze Nelson Nkwocha, Nze Darlington Okafor, Nze Evarest Nnadi and others were among the people that signed the Release.