Itu Aka Nguru 2023 Commences February 4th


.As Eze Njoku Gives Directive

Following the proclamation of Itu Aka Nguru 2023, the Uboma-ln-Council has directed and approved the Time Table for 2023 ITu Aka Nguru Festivals. The release proclaimed the Time Table as follows.

Saturday February 4 n 2023 will be Ike Aka Nguru.

The Uboma Nguru, will on this day take its citizens round the market areas to pronounce the ITU AKA and warn them not to go into their farms until after the ITU AKA Grand finale on Saturday 18th February 2023. In between the Ike AKA and ITU AKA DAY proper will witness the colloquium on the 11th February at the palace of Uboma, H.R.H Eze Damian Njoku, the Ekwueme II of Nguru Nwenkwo who is the reigning UBOMA, (King of NGWURU UBOMA AHIA ISE) on this day 11th February a son of Nguru will deliver a lecture to the people of Nguru. All activities preceding the ITU AKA Proper will be participated by only Nguru people while the 18th February event with its pomp and pageantry will be witnessed by special selected invitees from all around. The general public, in laws and associate of Nguru people are invited to come and witness the rich culture of Nguru Uboma Ahia Ise on the 18th of February 2023.

Saturday 11th February 2023. This will be Igwo Onwa: (The Colloquium) while the ITU AKA Grand Finally will be performed on Saturday 18tn February 2023. Uboma and the Council will direct all her citizens to maintain a peaceful relationship with one another. During this period, no one will enter the farms or have any disagreement with fellow citizens over land issues nor report one another to the Police until Nguru performs its ITU AKA ceremony on the 18th February 2023. The Uboma will be expected to announce that everyone can start its farming activities after the ITU-AKA when Uboma would have shown each villages their Boundaries.