Greek Gift Workers Returns New Year As Tenants In State Secretariat



By anthony anyanwu


Determined to mesmerize Civil Servants in his plan to perfect the commercialization of the State Secretariat, Governor Rochas Okorocha has directed Civil Servants in the state to proceed on Christmas break from Friday December 21, 2012 till Monday January 7th, 2013.


Okorocha who disclosed this while addressing the Civil servants at the Township Primary School, Wetheral Road Owerri during the week said that the need to grant them some days out of their work schedule is to enable them have enough time to celebrate the Christmas and New Year with their Kits and Kins.


He also announced the release of N10,000 across the board to each Civil Servant as Christmas gift to them by his administration.


The said N10,000 Christmas gift to the Civil Servants by the state government has however been described as a Greek gift as calculations put the total sum at over N60, Million.


Indications has also emerged on why the governor approved the long vacation to the Civil Servants who has for the past few months now shown some resistance towards the Commercialization of the State Secretariat.


Imo Trumpeta has it on good authority that the firm which is going to manage the Commercialized State Secretariat is already in the state but could not move in because of the presence of workers.


According to our investigation, the long holidays was carefully arranged to enable the new management of the State Secretariat to take full control of the premises.


The implication of the entire arrangement is that Civil Servants in the state will be resuming work in January 2013 as tenants at the Secretariat where the various ministries and parastatals will be paying rent to the new management.