Appointment of SOLADS Uzodinma’s Aides Comment On “Native Doctor Causes Uproar in Ngor Okpala APC


Though the Governor of Imo State, Senator Hope Uzodinma’s has announced the names of those appointed as Sole Administrators in the twenty seven Local Government Areas in the State , the matter has not ended in Ngor Okpala LGA, as the Leaders still quarrel.

Trumpeta learnt that the latest issue tearing Ngor Okpala APC apart is the comment made by the Special Adviser to Imo State Governor on political Affairs, Chief (Bar) Enyinna Onuegbu.

The SA to the Governor is said to have told press men at the heat of the lobbying prior to selection of SOLAD that those interested in the position should desist from “Consulting” Native Doctors.

This comment, Trumpeta learnt, was not taken with ease by some Ngor Okpala APC Leaders, who wondered why Enyinna Onuegbu should make such a statement, and caused it to be carried Headline banner, by many Imo State based Newspapers.

This Newspaper learnt that Onuegbu is accused of targeting some politicians in Ngor Okpala with that statement, and has been challenged to explain what he meant, and why he gave the story serious push in the Media.

Trumpeta was told that the statement has caused a big crisis in Ngor Okpala APC which may linger for long time and even go beyond politics.

This Newspaper was told that why such a statement came from a Christian and top Government official is disturbing, and that Onuegbu should go the full hog and name those he suspected to consults Native Doctors for political Appointments.

Following this disturbing scenario, one or two top politicians in Ngor Okpala have been tipped as the target of that statement, which has caused division in Ngor Okpala LGA. Many are even saying that it means that APC members consult Native Doctors for their political challenges, which is a dangerous signal in Imo State politics.

“Since Bar Onuegbu knows those who consult Native Doctors for political Appointments, he should come out and be braze enough and tell us who they are. Such a blanket statement is disturbing as not every one of us here patronize Deities” a Senior APC member in Ngor Okpala told Trumpeta.

Already, some politicians whose relations are somehow connected to Traditional Medicine are beginning to see themselves as the targets by Bar Onuegbu.

However, a source to the SA political to the Governor said Onuegbu never targeted anybody but only said that no need for those interested in the SOLAD position to consult Prayer Houses, Leaders and even Native Doctors to lobby for the position since only loyalty and productivity would give the position.

“Bar Onuegbu did not mention anybody, or any Local Government in particular, but only cautioned that only those loyal to the Governor and committed to APC will pick the job. And that was what happened from the list the Governor approved” Trumpeta was told.