Handover Wahalah: Sacked Appointees Refuse  To Release Govt  Property


By Okey Alozie

Sacked Commissioner and Special Adviser in Imo State who refused to have over Government properties and documents to their various offices are likely going to be in serious trouble as from next week.

Information revealed that Governor Hope Uzodinma shortly after his second term inauguration party held at Imo Government House, directed all the Government Appointees to come for a crucial meeting on Tuesday 16th of January 2024 and during the meeting, he announced the dissolution of his cabinet.

All Commissioners, SAs, and SSAs affected were directed to return back Government properties that are in their possession.

Unfortunately the directive of the Governor has not been obeyed by some SAs, SSAs and Commissioners, instead some of the affected appointees especially Commissioners allegedly resolved to be having secret meetings with their Permanent Secretaries on how to give them soft landing.

A particular Commissioner (names withheld) uptil now still pack Government official vehicles meant for operational duties, right inside his compound.

Some Civil Servants who spoke to our roving reporter under strict anonymity, alerted Governor Hope Uzodinma to open his eyes widely and deal with any Commissioner or Special Adviser who refuse to return Government properties and documents to the appropriate place.

In a related development, the Sole Administrators of Local Government Areas of Imo also have been dissolved with immediate effect.

The Governor as we gathered almost forgot to dissolve the SOLADs.

Report has it that the first press release that came out on Tuesday 16th of January 2024 did not include the Sole Administrators in the list of those appointees that were dissolved. It was after some hours after the meeting that the sack letters of the SOLADs came out.