IMSU Accreditation; Economics Department Gets Confirmation


imsu economics e-library
By: Amaechi Kingsley

The School of Economics under the faculty of Social Sciences, Imo State University, during the week, gained another milestone as they passed accreditation following the department’s astonishing preparedness on ground to impact transmission of knowledge, reading and learning.
This was revealed by the Head of Department, School of Economics who recently was promoted as Associate Professor, Andy A. Igwemma, through a phone conversation in which he confirmed that the accreditation team expressed satisfaction with their findings in the econometrics laboratory, library, conference room, quality of lecturers, teaching aides and the conducive learning environment.
He described the team’s excitement as an assurance to produce sound economists and academicians that can contribute favourably in the labour market disclosing that the team who arrived last Sunday for their inspection on Monday, on completion departed last Wednesday.
Associate Prof. Igwemma deposited that the School of Economics has proven to have the potentials of grooming academic excellence, an envy of some departments in the university, he said that the School of Economics have gone steps ahead of others with evidence, and added that he remained confident in the continued functionality of the laboratories with the capable hands of lecturers and the school management.
In his appreciation, Associate Prof. Igwemma thanked everyone that supported the department during last year’s dinner/fund-raising party, saying that the fund realized from the event helped to achieve the success recorded.
In a swift remark, a senior lecturer of the department, Prof Ndubuisi Nwaru pointed out that the passion exhibited by his H.O.D. induced the excellent result gotten for the accreditation team adding that the laudable milestone will be beneficial as he thanked all who supported the project especially M.Sc 2013/2014, students who showed courage worthy of emulation.