Flirtations Men, How Come?



Unfaithfulness to ones marriage vow is a terrible offence, punishable if not by any law but by divine law. The holy book placed an injunction in this regard and God’s stand is also clear as far as the issue is concerned. In his word God declared that “Marriage is honourable and the bed undefiled but whore-mongers and adulators God will judge” This is His word that is no respecter of any man.
Marriage is a union between two people of the opposite sex who have mutual love, respect and understanding for themselves. The decision to get married is between two adults-male and female and it is not a decision taken in a haste. Two people can fall in love but the decision to stay as man and wife spans over a period of time. Within this period, they take time to get acquainted. The acquaintance will lead to self discoveries. They will find if they share things in common, such as ideologies, likes and dislikes and above all there is need to discover if they share happiness, joy and laughter together.
The decision to live together is strictly their business and that is why these days, people hardly make recommendation on choice of partners for marriage. An individual is left to take the decision all by himself/herself. At the moment of decision, the power of love conquers every other thing. This feeling breaks barriers of distance, tribe, tongue and even class distinction. To the two love birds what matters is their happiness, once their hearts beat as one, race or colour becomes immaterial. All they need is the blessing of parents and that of the church. After every ceremony, they are meant to retire to their own separate world and live forever happily for marriage is indeed a blissful world to be.
If marriage is this blissful, why is it then that some marriages crash? Why are there so many divorce cases in today’s society? The answer is infidelity!! Men and women who are married get involved in this devilish practice. We shall be x-raying the men folk and the reasons why they cheat on their spouses. While many men are involved in this practices, some are still very much faithful to their spouses. Kudos to the faithful men around!. I sincerely respect you so much!.
Several factors are responsible for extra marital affairs among men, one of which is the right to be “FIRST”. Men generally believe that as men, they have the right to cheat because they are heads and so whatever, they like they do. Some when confronted as to the reason for cheating on their spouses will tell you that one and steady woman kills libido! Another sermon in hell!! If one woman kills libido, then several women will kill and bury libido as well. The reason why men flirt is simply because they feel that it is men’s world where every authority is on their shoulders. They also believe that it is natural for them to flirt and most times they draw reference from the bible about how people like Solomon and David flirted in their own time. Even though they did, did that make God to applaud them? God has always and will continue to punish an adulterer who refused to repent. Secondly, some men feel that their emotional and psychological needs are not well taken care off at home. So the best option is to go outside and get the satisfaction lacking at home. However what they get is not love affair but sex affair. Men who married virgins may likely complain at the non satisfaction of their sexual needs by their wives especially few years into their marriage. Such a man needs to be patient with the wife because such a women was not used to sexual intercourse before the marriage, so she should be groomed by the husband who should help bring her to his sexual level.
Another factor is wealth or affluence. Research has revealed that 70% to 80% of affluent men have extramarital sex sometime during
their married life. The extramarital alliances include sex with prostitutes and other women. The craze for exploration and wild life leave men jumping from one woman’s laps to another. The money is there as they can afford to pay bills in the choicest hotels in town and comfortable foot the bills of their lovers, in their state of affluence, they avoid the comfort of their homes and the company of their wives in preference to the life outside the home. Most men who are poor hardly live extramarital life because they do not have the money to throw about.
The issue of lack of home peace is another fundamental factor. It is often said that love thrives in the environment of peace so when a home is peaceless, love suffers. The reason for peacelessness could be as a result of a nagging woman. Women who nag, complain and threaten fire and brimstone at virtually every action of the husband. When a man goes to work, on return, he comes into a burning home, he leaves and seeks comfort in the arm of another women. The biblical book of proverbs indicates that a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tires hers down. Women should learn how to maintain peace in a peaceless situation. There is always a way to amend broken fences and the best approach is dialogue instead of nagging, cursing and rendering abusive words. If your husband is not living up to expectation, find a conducive moment to talk it over with him. I am sure a reasonable man will change, and many of them are reasonable.
However dirty and untidy homes send men racing. One of the primary duties of a woman is to keep her environment clean, afterall, cleanliness is next to Godliness. Most men cannot stand fitly homes. It can be very appalling after staying in a cozy office and one comes back home to meet an unkempt home where the stench of children’s urine fill the sitting room. Such attitude can send a man on his heels. Out there, are ladies and silly women who sweep and dust their furniture to taste. So some foolish men will prefer to run to them instead of putting their homes in order.
Another thing is a dirty wife. Some women in this 21st century find it difficult to keep their bodies neat. The awry smell from their body is capable of making a healthy man sick. Some women can only be likened to pigs, when you look at them from head to toe all you record is a body full of dirt. Such women find it difficult to wash their hair duly. On close contact, the odour that oozes out of their system is unbearable. Instead of taking their bath, brushing their teeth and washing their clothes, they prefer to lazy about in the midst of dirt. The worst is that their husband cannot find rest in their Jerusalem as the odour that come out of that part of their body can send a man to an early grave.
Women, we are symbols of beauty and goodness. We must strive to radiate goodness wherever we are found. Remember there are ladies out there who will capitalize on your weakness and run your home down. As much as lie within your pocket, look out for good soap and cream as well as good deodorants and perfumes to keep your body in shape. If you do this, the aroma of cleanliness and freshness will always keep your man besides you.
Finally, spiritual curses can lead a man to cheat uncontrollably. Some men are living under a particular curse of infidelity, that if not properly checked can even sleep with lower animals. Such men flirt with long term lovers and even harlots that often times they are not in control of themselves. Some men go as far as flirting within with members of their families such as their biological daughters, housemaids, wivessisters etc. when you see such men they deserve pity and prayers because what is in them is greater and mightier than them.
To the men out there who enjoy infidelity, may be as a means of happiness, may I remind you that such situations can never bring joy and happiness. Rather it breeds confusion, anarchy, peacelessness, sadness and sorrow. If you are unhappy with your marriage, the best option is to work hard and resolve the marriage problems. Affairs do not solve problems rather it adds more problems to the existing ones. Research has shown that spouses who did not have affairs had the lowest rate of divorce. People who have affairs put their marriage at risk. No evidence support the idea that affairs stabiles marriages.
The silly women out there can never provide true love, all they want is your money. So in other to get money, they exchange sex to get money. Do not forget easily that for every woman you have sex with, you are spiritually yoked with such a person. When the repercussions of your infidelity will come, it will be louder than the sound of a mighty uproar. You will search for your true love and it will not be found. Those silly women out there will not equally be found because they would have gone their separate ways.
It is only your true love, that can endure the taste of the turbulence of your life. When age is no longer on your side, it is your true love that will hold your feeble hands. In terms of trying moments, your true love will always comfort you. You can be very sure that in the dark moments of life, your sex partners will not be found because what they seek you no longer have. Remember the lgbo adage Ozu siwe isi enyi ka nwa nne a laa!!! Fortify your wall of marriage, amend all the leaking roofs because of the rainy day. A word is enough for the wise