
The holy bible in one of its injunctions regarded the body as the temple of God.

This speaks volumes of the body as the dwelling place of God. Any person with good moral up-bring will live a life exemplified in Christ Jesus.

Considering the pattern of life lived by young boys and girls in our institutions of higher learning today, it is irritating, nothing to write home about.

Our academic environment, which is supposed to be a place of learning, a place where discipline is maintained has degraded against what was obtained in the 1970s, when our Universities were what they were originally meant for. A place where young people were fully groomed and were prepare for societal challenges. That was when a person who graduated from the university as a medical doctor would be proud and bold to parade himself as a doctor. A graduate of engineering proud to parade himself as an engineer. Today, some of our graduates are half baked, and cannot stand out boldly to defend their certificates, due to lack of seriousness on the parts of our students, while in schools.

This scenario has resulted to loss of job opportunities and a serious case of unemployment, which has been ravaging our society today.

These students indulge in different kinds of social vices that are detrimental and retrograding, and tends to put a question mark to the institutions of higher learning we have in Nigeria and the kind of graduates we are to expect in the near future, perhaps the kind of leaders we would have. Virtually everything is in shambles.

Worst still is the mode of dressing of some of these students. Most of them have decided to work about nude, resulting to a serious burden of dressing amongst youths of today. They call it ‘sagging’.

‘Sagging’ according to its retrospective history started in the United States of America (USA) before it transcended to other parts of the world. That was when some criminals who committed serious felony where subjected to severe interrogation and could not hold back their trousers during the process. With this alone, ‘sagging’ has the reflection of criminality. Meaning that our young youths adopt immoral behaviours and can dub them very easily.

This practice has disproved the biblical injunctions above. Even the primitive people of the early stone age in their primitive state of mindedness were able to fashion out ways of covering themselves. If the stone age or the primitive people were able to cover themselves, what then comes of the younger generations of today at a period of advanced ways of life.

The question now is who takes the most blame? Is it the parent at home who should have given their wards, good moral upbringing? Or is it the teachers or the lecturers at school, or is it the religious leaders that should take the most blame. In this case, everybody has his own quota of the blame.