It is no longer gossip that students of the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) do not have good toilet facilities in their hostels which have made them device ways of answering the call of nature with out bordering the school authorities.

As dynamic student of repute they have invented means like short-put where students use nylon and big papers to pass there excretes before throwing it into the bush the short put way and discovered the most outstanding Airport show to do their thing, the FUTOITE way.

The Airport is one of the most popular part of FUTO where students go into near by bushes to offload the un wanted food in theree system, there is no student in that school that has not gone to the Airport at least ones, friends and visitors of the school are not left out of the Airport pilgrimage.

Campus gist gathered that the place has become a must visit due to the fresh air that greets partakers which they do their thing.

One of the students, told campus gist that “when you squat do the thing you will not want to do when your are up, because of the kind of fresh breeze that blows you under helps to keep the ecosystem going and also fertilizes the soils for farmers.

However from all indications it seems that the Air port show could not be as a result of lack of toilet facilities but for the fun.