John Amukah  Bags Honorary Award For Humanitarian Service


Chief John Ndubuisi Amukah “Eji ama-atu n’umu ala oma” has bagged an award of honour following his humanitarian service in the society

Award Of Honour Presented To: Chief  Johnson Ndubuisi Amukah (Eji ama- atu n’umu ala oma)

 In recognition of your hall mark affection for mankind, manifested in selfless devotion to work and service to humanity & society at large.

Presented on 7th January, 2024.

Chief Johnson Ndubuisi Amukah (Eji ama-atu n’umu ala oma)

He hails from ideato L.G.A , Imo state Nigeria .He is an international business man based in Kaduna state and China .Eji alert agwo oria is an outstanding progressive youth .A married man blessed with a beautiful wife and children. He is the sole distributor BAJAS AUTO FACTORY in Nigeria .He is also the C.E.O Gowell tyres ,Zactor tyres ,Winder tyres ,Boto tyres as well as Marshall group of companies LTD.

Ogbochuru mbiseh n’umu ala oma, based on his activities, both past and present,has performed and is performing remarkably well in his various fields of endeavors.

The following ground breaking deeds mentioned by the president of the IMO YOUTH ELITE , Comrade Okemiri Emmanuel Okwudiri comprises of both National and international performances that attracted the attention of the Imo Youth Elites (IYE)

To begin, Eji-Diken n’umu ala oma has contributed immensely to a fraction of the Nations G.D.P via his enormous import and export activities within and outside Nigeria. This is evident as current statistics reveals that Bajaj Auto Factory contributes about 7.1% to the nations G.D.P

Impressively, his astonishing contributions to the nations G.D.P is not attributed to his Bajaj Auri Factory alone ,but also to the following companies; Gowell tyres ,Winda tyres ,Boto tyres and of course Zector tyres .All of which are recognized across the country and abroad. An applause was rendered by the president IYE Comrade Okemiri Emmanuel as others joined.

Chief Johnson Amukah ,(Eji ama-atu n’umu ala oma )has been referred to as a reputable example as he donated and shared thousands of “Keke” to numerous number of youth ,as a means of sustenance and income generation, alleviating them from poverty and giving them a means of livelihood (Male and Female alike).

Again, odogwu enyi is a solid promoter & supporter of education. His love for education is protrayed by the schoolarships which he awarded to many youths and outstanding students within and outside his community.

The scholarships get awarded were not limited to studying within Nigeria  alone ,as some youths who proved to be exceptionally brilliant were sponsored abroad.

His philanthropic gestures knows no bounds nor discrimination, as he has assisted various business men and women to fund as well as to set up their businesses .While some others ,he supported when their business were at the verge of collapse.

Also ,Chief Johnson has assisted a good number of youths in their genuine quest ti travel abroad in search of greener pastures and promising opportunities.

Equally, he has aided in offsetting the medical bills of patients who experience difficulty in paying their hospital bills due to financial instability and economic crunch

Some outstanding doings by him was mentioned by the president of the IYE Comrade Okemiri Emmanuel which Includes construction of pipeborn water, project sponsorship, road construction as well as infrastructural development.

Chief Johnson has been at the forefront of the helm of affairs when it comes to matters promoting the development of his community, Ideato L.G.A of Imo state

Chief Johnson Amukah ,is a great man of solid character and outstanding reputation. He advices the youth to avoid engaging in crime at all levels, shun social vices and uphold good morals .He discourages substances abuse by the youth and beckons on them to imbibe values that will be benefits to their evolutin and growth of the nation at large .

These and more are the seeds & qualities exhibited by”Eji ama-atu n’umu ala oma “, which are strongly commended by the distinguished association; Imo Youth Elite.

Responding shortly after his award reception from the President Imo Youth Elite; Comrade Okemiri Emmanuel Okwudiri, Chief Johnson Amukah appreciated the youths of Imo State under the platform of IYE for recognizing his immense contributions to the growth of mankind.

“I and my family members are leaving in good condition. God has blessed me and I am fighting to eradicate poverty in the lives of some people in my own capacity. I am thrilled to contribute towards the remarkable development and sustainable growth of my community here in Imo state and the nation at large.

While speaking, Eji ama-atu n’umu ala oma advised the youths to work harder, study, acquire lucrative skills and shun any evil acts that can truncate their future and expected carriers.

Odogwù enyi in his words, however warned Imo youths against hard drugs, revealing that such lives can damage their future as youths who are seen as leaders of tomorrow.

He encouraged the youths to emulate his footsteps, do more and achieve greater feats.

John Marshall also expressed optimism that the current economic crunch in Nigeria will soon be a history, added that the country would be a better place by God’s grace alongside positive intentional efforts of the citizens.

At last, Chief Johnson Ndubuisì Amukah appreciated the president Imo Youth Elite, Comrade Okemiri Emmanuel Okwudiri and  enjoined the youths of Imo State, South East and Nigeria to believe in the spirit of hardworking diligence and love each with their contacts and connections.